2) 5. b) Read the text and compare your ideas.
Film Production
The film industry has had a long history since it originated in the late
19th century, as film production companies and studios were established
all over the world. Since then film producers have developed an extremely
important, long and complicated process of film-making. It usually takes
between several months and several years. There are five main stages in film
a) Development: In this stage, the film is written from a story that
comes from a book, a play, another film, or an original idea created
by the film producer. Next, a screenwriter writes a screenplay over
a period of several months.
: In this stage, every step of creating the film is carefully
designed and planned. The film producer confirms the film director.
The director and film producer hold auditions to choose leading actors
and supporting actors. Everything is prepared, including cameras,
equipment, locations, costume, make-up, and lighting.
: In this stage, the film is created and shot. The action
is shot as many times as the director wishes.
: The shot film material is edited. Sound, special effects,
songs, soundtrack, and other details are added to the film.
: This is the final stage, where the film is released to
cinemas. Posters and other advertising materials are published, and the
film is advertised and promoted.
All these five stages of film production are necessary to produce
fabulous films for people to watch. Nowadays people are spoilt for choice,
with a wide variety of films from standard films to 3D films, viewable
on different devices, such as computers or mobile phones. What should
we expect from the future film industry? We know for sure that more
sophisticated films will be made to entertain capricious viewers.
6. a) Read the text again and match each paragraph with the stages
of film production.
1. Pre-production
2. Development
3. Post-production
4. Distribution
5. Production
Нужно прочитать текст и вставить названия этапов кинопроизодства.
Film Production
The film industry has had a long history since it originated in the late 19th century, as film production companies and studios were established all over the world. Since then film producers have developed an extremely important, long and complicated process of film-making. It usually takes between several months and several years. There are five main stages in film production:
a) Development: In this stage, the film is written from a story that comes from a book, a play, another film, or an original idea created by the film producer. Next, a screenwriter writes a screenplay over a period of several months.
b) Pre-production: In this stage, every step of creating the film is carefully designed and planned. The film producer confirms the film director. The director and film producer hold auditions to choose leading actors and supporting actors. Everything is prepared, including cameras, equipment, locations, costume, make-up, and lighting.
c) Production: In this stage, the film is created and shot. The action is shot as many times as the director wishes.
d) Post-production: The shot film material is edited. Sound, special effects, songs, soundtrack, and other details are added to the film.
e) Distribution: This is the final stage, where the film is released to cinemas. Posters and other advertising materials are published, and the film is advertised and promoted.
All these five stages of film production are necessary to produce fabulous films for people to watch. Nowadays people are spoilt for choice, with a wide variety of films from standard films to 3D films, viewable on different devices, such as computers or mobile phones.
What should we expect from the future film industry? We know for sure that more sophisticated films will be made to entertain capricious viewers.
6. a) Read the text again and match each paragraph with the stages of film production. - Соотнесите абзацы текста со стадиями кинопроизоводства
1b Pre-production
2a Development
3d Post-production
4e Distribution
5c Production
Объяснение/перевод текста:
Киноиндустрия имеет долгую историю с момента ее зарождения в конце 19 века, когда по всему миру создавались кинокомпании и киностудии. С тех пор кинопродюсеры разработали чрезвычайно важный, долгий и сложный процесс кинопроизводства. Обычно он занимает от нескольких месяцев до нескольких лет. В кинопроизводстве выделяют пять основных этапов:
a) Проектирование: на этом этапе фильм пишется на основе истории, взятой из книги, пьесы, другого фильма или оригинальной идеи продюсера фильма. Затем сценарист пишет сценарий в течение нескольких месяцев.
b) Предварительная подготовка: на этом этапе тщательно продумывается и планируется каждый шаг создания фильма. Продюсер фильма утверждает режиссера. Режиссер и продюсер фильма проводят прослушивания, чтобы выбрать главных актеров и актеров второго плана. Подготавливают всё, включая камеры, оборудование, локации, костюм, грим и освещение.
c) Производство (съёмки): на этом этапе создаётся и снимается фильм. Действие снимается столько раз, сколько пожелает режиссер.
d) Пост-производство ("постпродакшн"): отснятый киноматериал монтируется. В фильм добавлетсян звук, спецэффекты, песни, саундтрек и другие детали.
e) Распространение: это финальный этап, на котором фильм выходит в кинотеатры. Издаются постеры и другие рекламные материалы, рекламируется и продвигается фильм.
Все эти пять стадий кинопроизводства необходимы для создания потрясающих фильмов, которые будут смотреть люди. В настоящее время люди избалованы выбором фильмов, от стандартных картин до 3D-фильмов, которые можно просматривать на разных устройствах, таких как компьютеры или мобильные телефоны.
Чего нам ждать от киноиндустрии будущего? Мы точно знаем, что для развлечения капризных зрителей будут сняты более технически сложные фильмы.