Предмет: Английский язык, автор: akovlevmaksim023

READING - Task 3 Read the paragraph about Sue's birthday and mark the sentences below T (true) or F (false). Last year I celebrated my birthday with my friends at my favourite cafe. It was on 6th June. The day began with a lot of surprises. First, everyone acted like it was not my birthday. I was sad because I thought they forgot about it. But then, when I came back home from the gym, my parents prepared a festive meal for lunch and gave me some presents. (But I didn't open them right away.) After that, my mum told me to get ready for something special in the evening. When it was 6 pm, Mum and Dad took me to "Theo's" where all of my friends were! It was a great party! We had pizza, there were a lot of games, contests and prizes! In the end, I opened my presents and got a lot of great things. One of them was a new smartphone from my mum and dad! In general, my last birthday was one of the best times in my life! 1 Sue celebrated her birthday on 7th June. 2 At first, everyone acted like it was an ordinary day. 3 Sue's parents prepared a festive dinner for her. 4 She opened her presents right away. 5 Sue's parents took Sue to her favourite cafe. 6 She had a great party with her friends and got a new smartphone. Score: /12​


Автор ответа: moldybaevaasem









Автор ответа: nastya14416
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Немецкий язык, автор: Nedujerozumnakachka
Даю 45 баллов, молю, помогите.

Контроль письма

1) Bilde das Verb vom Substantiv

das Telefon
der Kommentar
der Chat
die SMS
die E-Mail

2) Ergänze die Pluralformen

der Wald der See das Gebirge
das Feld der Baum die Insel
der Fluss der Strauch der Hirsch

3) In welche Mülltonne gehört der Müll? Ordne zu.

Bücher, Zahnbürsten, Speisereste, Spiegel, Packpapier, Blumen, Glüh-
birnen, Glas, Telefonbücher, Zeitschriften, Eierschalen, Flaschen,
Cola-Dosen, Hefte, Brotreste, alte Farben, Plastiktüten, Kataloge, Kon-
servendosen, Jogurtbecher, Schreibpapier, Hygieneartikel, Teebeutel,
Briefe, Zigaretten, Spülmittelflaschen, Kartoffelschalen, Kaffeefilter, Erde,
Gläser, Druckerpapier, Aluminiumpapier, Zeitungen, kaputte Kugelschrei-
ber, Gemüsereste, alte Taschen, Gras, schmutzige Servietten, Obstreste
A — Altglas: Flaschen D — Biomüll: ...
B — Altpapier: ... E — Restmüll: ...
C — Kunststoffe, Metalle

4) Wohin geht oder fährt man in diesen Situationen?

in das Kino, das Theater, die Poliklinik, die Musikschule, die Apothe-
ke, die Bäckerei
auf den Markt
zu dem Bahnhof, der Post, dem Arzt, dem Freund
an den Fluss, das Meer
nach Hause, Kyjiw

A: Du willst deinen kranken Freund besuchen. Wohin gehst du? 
B: Ich gehe zum Freund.
1) A: Du willst Äpfel kaufen. Wohin gehst du?  B: ...
2) A: Du willst schwimmen. Wohin gehst du? B: ...
3) A: Du willst einen Film im Kino sehen. Wohin gehst du? B: ...
4) A: Du willst eine Fahrkarte kaufen. Wohin gehst du? B: ...
5) A: Du willst unsere Hauptstadt besuchen. Wohin fährst du? B: ...
6) A: Du hast Zahnschmerzen. Wohin gehst du? B: ...
7) A: Du willst ein Theaterstück sehen. Wohin gehst du? B: ...
8) A: Du willst ein Instrument spielen lernen. Wohin gehst du? B: ...
9) A: Du willst ein Telegramm schicken. Wohin gehst du? B: ...
10) A: Du willst Medikamente kaufen. Wohin gehst du? B: ...
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: alan228kek
Task 1. Read the text and answer the questions. (T/F)
Fast food is the food of the future
It is difficult to imagine our life without fast food. It is gradually forcing out the traditional cuisine, and many people are sure that fast food will dominate in the future.
In my opinion, fast food is really the thing of the future. First of all, people’s life is getting faster, and in the future it will reqire much quicker solutions in almost every sphere. People will have to do things more quickly, including meals. The schedule of most people is becoming tougher, so, eventually, they will not have enough time to eat properly. Fast food will be the best suited for a quick meal. Sandwiches and burgers of various kinds are advertised and sold on every corner, so people cannot resist a temptation of buying one. In the future, the temptation will definitely grow on.
But there are people who believe that fast food will never dominate home-cooked meal because of its harm to the health. It is common knowledge that this kind of food causes serious illnesses, because it is made mostly from artificial substances.
Nevertheless I cannot support the opposing opinion because food production is being perfected at a high rate, and future fast food is overwhelmingly likely to consist of healthy ingredients.
In conclusion, I would like to emphasize the fact that the future is born in the present. If we want to predict what our life will look like in the years to come, we should pay attention to the modern tendencies. As regards our meal, fast food is booming today, which means it will be our basic food tomorrow.
1. Many people aren’t sure that fast food will dominate in the future.
2. People’s life is getting faster and in the future fast food will be the best suited for a quick meal.
3. People who believe that fast food will never dominate home-cooked meal because of its harm to the health.
4. Nowadays fast food is overwhelmingly likely to consist of healthy ingredients.
5. Home-cooked meal of various kinds are advertised and sold on every corner.
6. Fast food is booming today, it means it will be our basic food tomorrow.
Предмет: Математика, автор: Inara88