Похожие вопросы
Непросто жити на світі)
Корабель линув уперед, долав бурх-
ливі хвилі. Він то громадився на гребе-
нях, то м'яко западав униз, тоді знову
піднімався й рухався далі.
Богдан пройшовся хиткою палубою,
глянув за борт, зазирнув у зеленкувату
На поверхні моря гойдалися, витанцьовували прозорі пара-
сольки. Вони були ніжні й прозорі. Красою ці морські створіння
нагадували квіти. То були медузи.
Раптом недалеко від борта з води вистрибнула сіра тварина з
блискучою шкірою. Вона була тупорила, мала великий, схожий на
качиний дзьоб. Звірина стрімко злетіла над водою і шубовснула на
хвилю. Це був дельфін.
Моряки вважають дельфінів своїми друзями. Тварини вказу.
ють кораблям безпечний шлях до берегів, іноді рятують тих, хто
тоне. А от медузи отруйні. Якщо взяти таку красуню в руки, вона
боляче опече шкіру.
Як же багато на світі оманливого! Де добро? Де зло? Часом
ворог здається другом, а друг ввижається ворогом. Щоб не поми-
литися, треба судити не за зовнішністю, а за справами. Непросто
жити у світі!
План і переказ тексту
срооооосно цього дня пж
сьогодні 8.05 .2023р
пж переказ тексту даю 47 балів
чекаю нині і ще чучуть коротко будьласка можна щоб було нині
PAST OF TO BE There was/were I/HE/SHE/IT YOU/WE/THEY 1- Fill the gaps with was/wasn't/were/weren't Peter: Where Italy? Sally: No, I Peter: nice? Sally: Yes, it court, there in Italy. I you alone? Sally: No, I .I with my parents. I was at 'The Bridge Hotel'. Peter: Wow! I think that's a nice hotel! you last summer, Sally? In Peter: Oh! That sounds great! restaurant good? Sally: Yes, it Peter: And what Sally: Yes, they There there WAS WERE lovely. There a golf two swimming pools, there a very good restaurant and also there two cafés. they nice and comfortable? a mini bar and a big television with a flat screen but there Peter: Sally: No, there Peter: And Sally: It it one day. The temperature. the rooms like? And they LIVEWORKSHEETS in London. the weather nice? bad. In fact, ok because it only rained the THERE WAS: Singular countable/uncountable nouns THERE WERE: Plural countable nouns a CD player. there a computer in the room? mild, too hot. I don't like the heat. Peter: Sally: Yes, it Oxford Street very busy? It is busy all year. Peter: So you had a great time in London. Sally: Yes, absolutely. London is a very nice city. it big! 2- Make questions ? 1-How many There were two restaurants. 2- Yes, there was a café. 3 Yes, there were two swimming pools. 4- No, the weather was great. 5- Yes, there were a lot of places to visit. 6-What The flight was quite and pleasant. 7- No, there wasn't a bank near the hotel. 3-Circle the correct option. 1-The weather was/were nice in Paris. 2-There was/were a lot of interesting places to visit in Amsterdam. 3-Sandy was/wasn't at home last night because she was wasn't at a party. 4-Tom's friends wasn't/weren't tired yesterday 5-In the room there was/were two beds. 6-I was/wasn't happy because it rained the whole week. It was/wasn't terrible! 7-My parents were/weren't sad because my sister was/wasn't here on their anniversary. 8-There wasn't/weren't any milk in the shop. 9-No, it was/wasn't a big house. It was/wasn't quite small. 10-There was/were a piano in the room. 11-Your mother was/were very happy to see my aunt Mary. 12-Was/were there any books on that shelf? Yes, there was were one book. Finish!!