Предмет: Українська література, автор: sergiysmus

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Напишіть невеличке есе-iнтерв'ю на тему:"5 питань, які я задав би Лесі Українці" та поясніть, чому саме ці питання вас зацікавили. Обсяг есе 10-15 речень. СРОЧНО ДАЮ МНОГО БАЛЛОВ!


Автор ответа: sofiaklimenko103


Леся Українка мала добре почуття гумору, про себе завжди говорила скромно, вміла планувати свій час і завжди була у формі. Втім, чи знаєте ви, в якому віці Леся Українка навчилася писати? Скільки іноземних мов знала? Як віддячувала родині за те, що про неї піклуються? Чи були в неї діти? В якому віці Лариса отримала свій перший заробіток? Яку статуру мала? Й чому похоронна процесія на її поховання йшла мовчки?

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You probably know about many of the popular places to visit in Britain. Places like York, Bath, Stratford, Oxford and Cambridge. But except those, there are other interesting places in Britain. Let’s look at some of them.

Brighton is a small seaside town just an hour’s journey by train to the south of London. Some of Britain’s resorts are remote and peaceful. Brighton isn’t. It’s a traditional seaside holiday town. It’s not always sunny at the seaside, but there’s plenty to see and do in Brighton. You can admire beautiful lanes, walk around a maze of small old streets, drop in one of the town shops selling goods of all kinds.

Newcastle and Gateshead, which face each other across the river Tyne, are large industrial cities famous for their warmth and friendliness. There’s lots to see in Newcastle, like the Baltic Centre of Modern Art or the Eye Bridge, and Gateshead is famous for the Metro Centre — the largest trade centre in Europe with numerous restaurants and hundreds of shops.

From the northwest to Wales there’s a land where everyone speaks English and some also speak the much older language of Welsh. It’s a land of beautiful mountain scenery and music. One of the most intriguing places there is Portmeirion. It’s a complete Italian hill town, built by an eccentric Welshman who had a passion for Italian architecture.

Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland, and its main industrial centre. It’s an interesting city, and a city that works hard for tourists. Glasgow has everything you can expect from a big, noisy city, but it also has a strong tradition in the arts and learning. Its university is one of the best in Britain and dates back to the 15th century. Glasgow has a fine tradition in architecture and it’s the home of the Scottish National Orchestra and the Scottish Opera and Ballet Companies. The city has several museums with very fine collections.

From Scotland it is only 2,5 hours by ferry, or less than an hour by plane, to Northern Ireland. The area of Northern Ireland is small. The two main cities are Belfast, the capital, and Londonderry. You will probably think of the Northern Irish as unfortunate people, divided by race, religion and history. But you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how warm and friendly they are. Belfast has many fine buildings and all the advantages of a big city. Such places as Titanic Belfast Museum, the arty Cathedral Quarter, the Albert Clock (Belfast’s own leaning tower of Pisa) are surely worth visiting as well as Parliament Buildings with its mile-long front drive and bustling St George’s Market

Londonderry, or Derry as it’s also called, is a fine old city full of history. But perhaps the greatest thing about Northern Ireland is its scenery. Its lakes, hills and rural landscapes offer peace and quietness despite troubles
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