Предмет: Физика, автор: F1ORALL

Вертикальний паперовий циліндр, що обертається навколо своєї осі, здійснює 50 обертів за секунду. З пневматичної гвинтівки по центру бічної поверхні циліндра в горизонтальному напрямку роблять по- стріл. Куля пробивае циліндр. При цьому в цилін- дрi виявляється лише один отвір. З якою найбіль- шою швидкістю руху могла летіти куля? Радіус ци ліндра 50 см.


Автор ответа: radniukd


100  м/с


Очевидно, что пока пуля летела внутри цилиндра, он успел сделать половину оборота.

За одну секунду он делает 50 оборотов. Один оборот - за 1:50=0,02 секунды.  Половину оборота - за 0,02:2=0,01 секунды.

За время 0,01 секунды пуля пролетела расстояние равное двум радиусам:  L=2*0,5=1 метр

Скорость пули:   v=Lt=10,01=100   м/с

jaolexiy23: Звідки в тебе вийшло 10,01?
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: illatolik2007
Miss Marvel walked into her classroom and opened her school bag. The worksheets she needed were
not there! No problem. There was a good exercise on the computer. She logged on, but, disaster - her
computer crashed! The topic was the past simple tense. She found a book, opened it and
started reading a story. However, it was boring and the class didn't settle. First, Peter
threw a pen at Julia. Mick swung back and forward on his chair. Jenny barked like a dog and
Saima meowed like a cat. Just at that moment, the door opened and the head teacher walked
in! He went to the back of the class and sat down. He was observing the lesson! Poor Miss
Marvel did not know what to do! Suddenly, a cat climbed in through the window. He walked to the front
of the room and jumped onto Miss Marvel's desk, sat down and licked his paws. Then, he rolled onto his
back, put his legs in the air and he purred. Now, the students were interested and they paid attention.
'Right, class!' said Miss Marvel. 'What did the cat do first?'
They all put their hands up and Miss Marvel chose Jim.
'He coming in through the window, Miss', Jim answered.
'He coming in or he ca..?' Miss Marvel asked.
'He came in!' Eventually Jim remembered the correct ending!
Miss Marvel asked lots of questions and soon, they described all the things the cat did. Then Miss
Marvel told them to open their books and write down the cat's actions, in the correct order. She told
them to use: first, then, next, after that and finally. They all opened their books and started to write.
Miss Marvel heaved a sigh of relief and the head teacher smiled. Just then, her computer sprang back
to life.
Say if the sentences are TRUE or FALSE. Correct the false ones:
1. The worksheets were in Miss Marvel's school bag. T/F
2. Her computer crashed. T/F
3. She told the class to work in pairs. T/F
4. The class settled and worked well. T/F
5. The headteacher came into the classroom. T/F
6. A dog walked in through the door. T/F
7. Miss Marvel asked questions about the cat's actions. T/F
8. They wrote it down, in the right order. T/F
9. The headteacher got angry. T/F
10. The computer came back on. T/F
Answer the following questions in full sentences:
a. What did Miss Marvel need in her school bag?.
b. What was she teaching the class that lesson?
c. Why didn't the class settle?
d. Who threw a pen at Julia?
e. Which students made animal noises?
f. How did the cat get in the classroom?
g. Where did the cat sit?
h. Why did the headteacher come in?
i. How did the headteacher react to Miss Marvel's lesson?
Did she find the worksheets?
Предмет: Математика, автор: Аноним