Предмет: Другие предметы, автор: veronikavasilisin6

Що таке сучасне
ідолопоклонство? У чому полягає
його шкода для людини?
Напишіть Божу заповідь, порушенням якої і є ідолопоклонство. Відповідь аргументуйте. ДАЮ 75 БАЛІВ


Автор ответа: xenia2022


поклоніння ідолу або фізичному об'єкту як втіленню божества. В авраамічних релігіях ідолопоклонством називається також поклоніння всьому іншому, крім Бога. В переносному значенні ідолопоклонство — надмірне захоплення об'єктом, особою, ідеєю

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: volodumur31
Дам 100 балов и поставлю 5 звезд кто ответит (СРОЧНО!!!)PART III Level A1+/A2
Level Al
Task format: short answers
Read a tale about a person who saved the kingdom. Answer questions (1-13) below the text
using a maximum of three words. Write your answers on the lines next to the questions.
Hundreds of years ago there lived a weaver in
Hindustan by the name of Ram. Ram did not have much
schooling, but he was very skillful at his trade. He wove
beautiful cloth of very fine quantity. But times were bad,
and Ram was not able to find buyers for his cloth.
In those days the land was ruled by a rajah, or king.
The rajah had received a strange gift. It was a golden silk
cloth with a message woven into the fabric. But the rajah
and his counsellors could not read the message. It was in a
secret code that no one could decipher. The rajah offered a
great reward to anyone in the kingdom who could figure out the code.
Many clever and learned people travelled to the palace. They tried and tried, but they
couldn't decipher the code. Ram's friends laughed at him for thinking he could do it. Finally, Ram
journeyed to the palace to try his hand at deciphering the message.
Ram happened to have a very good eye for details in weaving. That's why he was able to
discover the code and read the message hidden in the golden cloth Ram explained to the rajah that
the coded message was a warning. An army from another land would attack the kingdom on the
first. Sunday after the next new moon.
Thanks to Ram the rajah's army was prepared and defeated the attacking enemy. The rajah
was grateful to Ram for saving the kingdom. He was appointed the official court weaver. For the
rest of his life Ram lived in comfort at the palace.
+ Ar CumyMe
What was the name of the kingdom where the story takes place?
What was Ram?
What is another word for rajah?
What strange gift did rajah get?
What kind of code was woven into the message?
What did Ram's friends do at Ram?
What did Ram want to do with the code?
How were people trying to decipher the code characterised?
What did Ram have a good eye for?
What did the message turn to be?
What day would another land army attack the kingdom?
Who saved the kingdom?
What did Ram become?