Circle the best word to complete each sentence: 1. A friend of mine gave / took / went birth to her son at home with the help of a nurse. 2. A number of the kids in my classroom come from broken/ damaged / hurt homes. 3. After a hostile / cruel / bitter divorce from his wife of 20 years, the actor married a woman young enough to be his daughter. 4. I see my excepted / expanded / extended family once a year, during our annual family vacation. 5. I was raised in a very joyful / loving / tender family, in which everyone helped each other. 6. I was created / grown / raised by my grandparents after my parents passed away. 7. I'm on good friends / relations / terms with all my former boyfriends. 8. John had a carefree / careful / careless childhood, growing up with happily married parents and three brothers. 9. Many women regret giving / having/taking an abortion years afterwards. 10. My aunt's going through a messy / sloppy / untidy divorce; she's paying a fortune in legal fees. 11. My husband doesn't get along with a few of my family people / individuals / members. 12. Although my salary is low, I get child assistance/provision/support from my ex-husband. 13. My sister got / had / made pregnant immediately after she got married. 14. My son is making a diagram of our family roots / tree / web for a school project. 15. My wife is pregnant with twins. They're come / due / here in February. 16. Sally was granted sole custody / guardian / keeping of the children from her first marriage. 17. Teenagers who had a distressed / troubled / worsened childhood often have behavior problems in school. 18. The celebrity wrote a book about his debilitated / defective / dysfunctional family. 19. The divorce contract / reimbursement / settlement awarded the wife $500,000. 20. There are four people in my close / immediate / neighboring family. 21. They have three biological children and two adopted / adoptive / adopting children.

1. A friend of mine gave birth (родила) to her son at home with the help of a nurse.
2. A number of the kids in my classroom come from broken homes. (из неполных семей)
3. After a bitter divorce (после трудного развода) from his wife of 20 years, the actor married a woman young enough to be his daughter.
4. I see my extended family (семья включая дальних родственников) once a year, during our annual family vacation.
5. I was raised in a very loving family (я воспитывался в очень любящей семье), in which everyone helped each other.
6. I was raised by my grandparents after my parents passed away.
7. I'm on good terms (в хороших отношениях) with all my former boyfriends.
8. John had a carefree childhood (беззаботное детство), growing up with happily married parents and three brothers.
9. Many women regret having an abortion (сожалеют о сделанном аборте) years afterwards.
10. My aunt's going through a messy divorce (трудный, скандальный развод); she's paying a fortune in legal fees.
11. My husband doesn't get along with a few of my family members (не очень ладит с некоторыми членами моей семьи).
12. Although my salary is low, I get child support (пособие, алименты) from my ex-husband.
13. My sister got pregnant (забеременела) immediately after she got married.
14. My son is making a diagram of our family tree (семейное древо) for a school project.
15. My wife is pregnant with twins. They're due in February. (близнецы должны родиться в феврале)
16. Sally was granted sole custody (ей дали единоличную опеку) of the children from her first marriage.
17. Teenagers who had a troubled childhood (трудное детство) often have behavior problems in school.
18. The celebrity wrote a book about his dysfunctional family (о своей неблагополучной семье).
19. The divorce settlement (урегулирование развода) awarded the wife $500,000.
20. There are four people in my close family. (В моей непосредственной семье)
21. They have three biological children and two adopted children. (у них трое своих детей и двое усыновленных)