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this text says that chocolate can sometimes even be cheap, but they are afraid of chocolate because of the fact that they can cause addictive obesity and teenagers can also get acne. But there are also advantages of chocolate, but only dark that with the help of dark chocolate you can be healthy survive a year more but not in large numbers
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The whole truth about chocolate. We are always told that chocolate is unhealthy. For example: chocolate causes acne. Or chocolate contributes to obesity. It is not really true. But in reality, this is not entirely true. You have to eat everything in moderation. Then nothing will happen to you. If you eat too much chocolate, it's bad for your health. Acne will appear. Chocolate is made with cocoa. Cocoa is good for humans. People also say that chocolate is addictive. I don't quite agree with this. The need to consume chocolate at times seems to me an illogical and uncontrollable urge.
Здесь ровно 15 предложений, взяты из текста, но написаны своими словами.