Предмет: Химия, автор: leonidmordusenko6

Метал 2 групи масою 6 грам без залишку прореагував з водою. При цьому виділився газ об'ємом 5,6 літрів(н.у.). Визначте метал.



Автор ответа: zlatakorzh6


магний (Mg)


Me - неизвестный металл второй группы

Me + 2HCl = MeCl2 + H2

n (Me) = n(H2) = 5,6 / 22,4 = 0,25 моль

Mr (Me) = 6 / 0,25 = 27 г/моль

Это магний (Mg)

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Физика, автор: Rawuyshow
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: gasymovavika99
A)Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст:
The most important period is the secondary school, which starts from the 5th grade. This is the time, when children has to face some new difficulties related to new demands. Since that time, they have different teachers for most of the subjects such as Chemistry, Biology, Physics, History, Geography, Informatics, Economics, Social Science, Science of Law and so on. At the 9th grade teenagers face a very important period in their life. They have to pass the Final State Certification and decide whether to continue school education or to leave for other types of educational establishments, such as colleges and specialized schools where they can get the profession. Such schools are usually divided into colleges, technical schools, training schools and medical schools. They give general knowledge in academic subjects and profound knowledge in one or several subjects. In case the pupil decide to continue studying in high school, which lasts for two years, he has to pass the Unified State Examination in order to get the Certificate.
After finishing high school or graduating from a college or specialized school young people can start working or enter a higher educational establishment. Institutes and universities train specialists in different fields. The education there usually takes 4 years and gives the degree of Bachelor. At the end of the last course students have to pass the State Graduation Examinations and defend their graduate project for professional qualification. Further two years of education gives the Master’s degree and considers the inaugural dissertation (origin scientific work) writing and defense. Most of the higher educational establishments have evening or extramural departments in order to give their students an opportunity to study and get the qualification without leaving their jobs.
b)Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
1.What are the special subjects taught at the secondary school?
2.What do colleges and specialized schools give?
3.What can young people do after finishing high school or graduating from a college?
4.What do students have to pass at the end of the last course?
c)Найдите в тексте эквиваленты на английском языке:
Средняя школа; учебные дисциплины; Итоговая государственная аттестация; образовательные учреждения; техникум; училище; углубленные знания; старшая школа; Единый государственный экзамен; аттестат; высшее учебное заведение; выпускная квалификационная работа.