Предмет: Оʻzbek tili, автор: ershovk8888

даю 60 !!!!!!!

2-topshiriq. Suhbatni rollarga bo'lib o'qing va davom ettiring.

-Qayerdan kelyapsan? Qo'lingdagi qanday kitob?

-Oybek haqida berilgan topshiriq bo'yicha kutubxonaga borgan edim. Oybekning ,,Bolalik" qissasini ham oldim.

-Kutubxonada yana qanday asarlar bor?

- Oybekning ,,Navoiy" romani ham bor ekan. Men qissani o'qib bo'lgach, shu romanni olib oʻqimoqchiman.

-Men ham kutubxonadan Oybekning kitoblarini olib oʻqimoqchiman.

Siz o'zbek yozuvchilarining qaysi asarlarini o'qigansiz? ​


Автор ответа: korolina1991636


.....-Ha,o'qib ko'r,senga ham yoqadi.

-To'g'ri.Yana qanaqa kitoblarni tafsiya qilasan?

-Hamma kitoblar yaxshi.Men yaqinda Xudoyberdi To'xtaboyevning ''Jannati odamlar'' kitobini o'qidim.Kitob menga juda yoqdi.

-Nima haqida ekan?

-Qishloq bolalarining hayoti tasvirlangan.Kitob juda qiziqarli ekan.

-Men ham albatta o'qib ko'raman.

-Yaxshi.Endi men tezroq uyga boray.Kitobga qiziqib ketyapman.Tezroq o'qib ko'rmoqchiman.

-Men ham hozir kutubxonaga boraman.Hayr.



Savolga javob bermadim.Chunki ikkalamiz bir xil kitob o'qimaganmiz.

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: kuznietsova042020
Read the article again. Choose the correct item to answer the questions.
The kids are smiling, laughing, shouting, jumping and exploring. They’re
happy as they have their own running track as part of a social school project.
It continued to be rainy and grey all week. The sun came out for half the
day on Friday, but the students still couldn’t enjoy it as the school track was
too muddy.
“How can we make it possible to use the track in any weather?” one boy
said. That was how the students started to plan their project called “The
Running Track” .
Together with their PE and English teachers they outlined the steps of the
Firstly, they identified the problem and gathered the necessary information
on it. Then, they made a list of the things needed to solve it and discussed
who they could ask for help. After that they developed a class portfolio and
presented it to the audience.
“Creating that running track from scratch was not an easy task. Our role
was quite simple. Provide a space and ingredients - the kids did the rest.
Many hands make great play,” the project coordinator, said. “Now we’re
proud of what we’ve done.”
“When we think of all the experience - we know that it will have a positive lasting impact on our future gymnasium life. We love sport and now we
have better sports facilities,” the students said. “It’s good to be socially and
physically active.”
1. Why did the students decide to start a social project?
A They wanted to have fun.
B They wanted to use the track in any weather.
C They spend more time outdoors.
2. What was the name of the project?
A Saving the River
B The Running Track
C Keep the Town Clean
3. What did the students do after they had identified the problem?
A They developed a class portfolio.
B They had to gather information on the problem.
C They presented their project before an audience.
4. What did the teachers do?
A They helped the students with the resources.
B They guided the project.
C They judged the project.
5. What do the students think of the result of their work?
A They wanted to be socially active.
B They want to write an article about it.
C They feel honoured to have this opportunity.
6. Which step of the project is depicted in the picture?
A Identification of the problem.
B Reflecting on students’ learning experience.
C Presentation of the project before an audience.