1.1 Complete the sentences with the articles a, an, the where necessary.
1. Could you turn on __ television, please?
2. It's __ best film I have seen for ages.
3. Could I borrow __ piece of paper to make notes on?
4. Is that __new carpet you were telling me about?
5. We're going to __ Kenya at Christmas.
6. Would you like to see __ photos I took on holiday?
7. They tell me that __ honesty is the best policy.
8. She said that __ carrots were her favourite vegetable.
9. Sometimes I wish __ telephone had never been invented.
10. Look at __ sea. Isn't it beautiful?
1.2 Complete the sentences with the articles a, an, the where necessary.
1. __ tennis is my favourite sport. I play once or twice __ week if I can, but I’m not __ very good player.
2. I won’t be home for __ dinner this evening. I’m meeting some friends after __ work and we’re going to __ cinema.
3. There was __ accident as I was going __ home last night.
4. A: What’s __ name of __ hotel where you’re staying? B: __ Imperial. It’s in __ Queen Street in __ city centre. It’s near __ station.
5. I’ve got two brothers. __ older one is training to be __ pilot with __ British Airways. __ younger one is still at __ school. When he leaves __ school, he hopes to go to __ university to study __ Law.
1.3 Find 6 mistakes of using the articles (a/an or the) and correct them.
1. Sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
2. That's the car I mentioned before.
3. Put those plates in a washing-up bowl, will you.
4. He's most arrogant man I have ever met.
5. I'd like a glass of wine and a few olives, please.
6. The weather has been marvelous recently.
7. Money has been the cause of a lot of our problems.
8. Australia was everything I imagined it would be.
9. Would you mind if I took car to work today?
10. We're thinking of going to cinema tonight.
11. Are you going to take dog for a walk?
12. Let's go for a drive in country.
Помогите !!!!
1. Could you turn on the television, please? (о телевизоре, который обычно один в комнате и оба собеседника знают, о каком телевизоре идёт речь)
2. It's the best film I have seen for ages. (превосходная степень прилагательных используется с опред. артиклем)
3. Could I borrow a piece of paper to make notes on? (a piece of paper = one piece)
4. Is that the new carpet you were telling me about? (тот самый ковёр, о котором ты говорил)
5. We're going to (-) Kenya at Christmas. (Названия стран обычно без артикля, если нет слов kingdom, republic, union, states, federation)
6. Would you like to see the photos I took on holiday? (речь о конкретных фотках из отпуска)
7. They tell me that (-) honesty is the best policy. (речь о честности вообще, как о моральной категории)
8. She said that (-) carrots were her favourite vegetable. (морковь вообще, не какая конкретная, особенная)
9. Sometimes I wish the telephone had never been invented. (названия технических устройств как класса используются с опред. артиклем)
10. Look at the sea. Isn't it beautiful? (по ситуации понятно, что речь о конкретном море)
1. (-) Tennis is my favourite sport. (виды спорта без артикля) I play once or twice a week (устойчивое выражение) if I can, but I’m not a very good player. (классифицирующее определение объекта)
2. I won’t be home for (-) dinner this evening (dinner как время приема пищи - без артикля). I’m meeting some friends after (-) work (work в значении "работа" без артикля) and we’re going to the cinema. (в выражениях go to the cinema, go to the theatre всегда используется определенный артикль)
3. There was an accident (после there is/was исчисляемое существительное используется с артиклем 'a') as I was going (-) home last night.
4. A: What’s the name of the hotel where you’re staying? (речь о конкретном отеле, у которого конкретное название)
B: The Imperial. It’s in (-) Queen Street in the city centre. It’s near the station. (Названия отелей обычно используются с определенным артиклем, названия улиц обычно без артикля, in the city centre - устойчивое выражение, the station - речь о конкретном вокзале/станции)
5. I’ve got two brothers. The older one is training to be a pilot with (-) British Airways. The younger one is still at (-) school. When he leaves (-) school, he hopes to go to (-) university to study (-) Law. (речь о конкретных братьях, уже упомянутых раньше; a pilot - название профессии; фирменные названия организаций и авиакомпаний употребляются без артикля; at school, to university - существительные, обозначающие места социальной деятельности человека, употребляются без артикля, так как они выражают не столько место, сколько действие, связанное с этим местом)
1. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. (sun всегда с the)
2. That's the car I mentioned before. - верно
3. Put those plates in a washing-up bowl, will you. - верно
4. He's the most arrogant man I have ever met. (превосходная степень прилагательных используется с определенным артиклем)
5. I'd like a glass of wine and a few olives, please. - верно
6. The weather has been marvellous recently. - верно
7. Money has been the cause of a lot of our problems. - верно
8. Australia was everything I imagined it would be. - верно
9. Would you mind if I took the car to work today? (говорящим понятно, о какой именно машине речь)
10. We're thinking of going to the cinema tonight. (в выражениях go to the cinema, go to the theatre всегда используется определенный артикль)
11. Are you going to take the dog for a walk? (выгулять надо ту самую собаку, которая живет в семье)
12. Let's go for a drive in the country. (in the country - устойчивое выражение)