Replace the words in bold with one of the modals in the list: ought to, should, can, can't (x2), might, shall, needn't, was able to, must.
1 It's a good idea to send them your CV. You ought to send them your CV.
2 It's not necessary to stay after work.
We 3 It's likely that Pat will drop by later.
4 Peter managed to do his assignment last night. Peter
5 I'm sure that Terry isn't at the library. Terry
6 He isn't able to do all this work by himself.
He 7 Would you like me to show you how to use
8 You are obliged to be at work on time. You
9 You don't look well. I advise you to see a doctor. You don't look well. You
10 Is it OK if I go now?

Замените слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом, одним из модальных слов в списке:
2 It's not necessary to stay after work.
We needn't stay after work.
▪︎ needn't - остутствие необходимости;
3 It's likely that Pat will drop by later.
Pat might drop by later.
▪︎ might - для выражения неуверенности; переводится как «возможно», «может быть».
4 Peter managed to do his assignment last night.
Peter was able to do his assignment last night.
▪︎ was able to =managed to - удачного выполнения чего-либо довольно сложного;
5 I'm sure that Terry isn't at the library.
Terry can't be at the library.
▪︎ can't - выражение сомнения; переводится как «не может быть», «вряд ли».
6 He isn't able to do all this work by himself.
He can't do all this work by himself.
▪︎ can't - умственная или физическая способность что-то сделать;
7 Would you like me to show you how to use this?
Shall I show you how to use this?
▪︎ shall - используется для волеизъявления говорящего по отношению к кому-то;
8 You are obliged to be at work on time.
You must be at work on time.
▪︎ must - должен; нужно так делать согласно правилам;
9 You don't look well. I advise you to see a doctor. You don't look well.
You should see a doctor.
▪︎ should - совет;
10 Is it OK if I go now?
Can I go now?
▪︎ can - спрашиваем разрешение что- либо сделать.