Предмет: Английский язык, автор: diana39943

Помогите пожалуйста!! Help me please!!
Put the sentences into Indirect speech.
1. He said: "My father provided me with a good education".
2.They asked: "Does the cruise involve only basic accommodation?"
3. He said: "Mary, don't call the ambulance!"
4. The midwife asked: "Is it your first case?"
5. The tourist asked: "Where is the natural history museum in your town?"
6. The journalist asked: "Will you publish my article on the front page tomorrow?"
7. He said: "This year we have created new computerized technologies".
8. She asked: "How did you manage to buy the tickets for the musical?"


Автор ответа: nellytheelephant


1. He said: "My father provided me with a good education".
  He said that his father had provided him with a good education.

2. They asked: "Does the cruise involve only basic accommodation?"
   They asked if the cruise involved only basic accommodation.

3. He said: "Mary, don't call the ambulance!"
   He told Mary not to call the ambulance.

4. The midwife asked: "Is it your first case?"
   The midwife asked if it was my first case.

5. The tourist asked: "Where is the natural history museum in your town?"
    The tourist asked where the natural history museum was in our town.  

6. The journalist asked: "Will you publish my article on the front page tomorrow?"
  The journalist asked if they would publish his article on the front page the following day.

7. He said: "This year we have created new computerized technologies".
   He said that year they had created new computerized technologies.

8. She asked: "How did you manage to buy the tickets for the musical?"
   She asked how I had managed to buy the tickets for the musical.


Если в главном предложении глагол-сказуемое стоит в прошедшем времени (Past Simple), то при переводе прямой речи в косвенную соблюдается правило согласования времен, и перед косвенной речью ставится союз that, который после глаголов say, know, think и т. п. может не употребляться.

В косвенной речи вопросы имеют прямой порядок слов, и если в главной части используется глагол в форме прошедшего времени, то в придаточной необходимо соблюдать правило согласования времен. Например, формы Present заменяются на Past, Past Simple заменяем на Past Perfect и т. д.

Общие вопросы в косвенной речи превращаются в придаточные, присоединяемые союзом if или whether.

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