Предмет: Психология, автор: mcb16781

комунікативне самогубство та комунікативні помилки, наведіть 5 прикладів.


Автор ответа: semenchukbogdan482


«Комунікативне самогубство» – це помилка у спілкуванні, яка робить подальше спілкування абсолютно неефективним. Наприклад, якщо оратор починає свій виступ словами: «Вибачте, що віднімаю ваш час... Я вас довго не затримаю...» – це типове комунікативне самогубство, тому що оратор сам сповіщає слухачам про те, що його інформація їм не потрібна,

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Test “Cities of the UK”
Variant 1
Match the words with their translation. (2 points)
1. cathedral a) стародавній
2. originate b) визначне місце
3. place of interest c) широкий
4. commercial d) собор
5. wide e) походити
6. ancient f) торговий

Write down the correct variant. (2 points)
1. … is known for its lovely night life:
a) Picadilly Circus c) the British Museum
b) Hyde Park d) the Royal Opera House
2. Grand Opera House is situated in:
Edinburgh c) London
Liverpool d) Belfast
3. The British Museum was founded in:
1653 c) 1753
1800 d) 1735
4. Soho is a district in the centre of:
a) London d) Edinburgh
b) Cardiff c) Belfast
5. … is famous for St Patrick's Day Parade.
Edinburgh c) London
Liverpool d) Belfast
6. The oldest part of London is:
The City c) the East End
Lud Hill d) the West End

Write down the correct variant to complete the sentence. (2 points)
1. Kings … in Westminster Palace.
was crowned c) were crowned
crowns d) crowned
2. Lud Hil is the place where the city …
originated c) is originated
b) were originated d) originates
3. I … in History.
is interested c) am interested
were interested d) interest
It … for its night club.
are known c) were known
know d) is known
A huge Christmas Tree … in London.
a) is decorated c) decorated
b) was decorated d) decorates
Romans … a fort in Cardiff.
built c) build
is built d) were built

Put the verbs in brackets in the correct active or passive tense form. (3 points)
Last night she (finish) reading the book she (start) a few weeks before.
While my brother (watch) TV I (tidy) the room.
The film (make) in the USA in 1936 but it (consider) a masterpiece even now.

V. Write a short composition (6-10 sentences) about the city of the UK you like the most. (3 points)
Предмет: История, автор: IceOneGir