Предмет: Математика, автор: Аноним

До магазину завезли яблука, груші, сливи. Маса яблук становить 2/5 завезених фруктів, маса груш- 25%, а решта- 45кг-сливи. Скільки кілограмів яблук і груш завезли до магазину?​


Автор ответа: alexlex200707


яблука - 51 3/7 кг

груші - 32 1/7 кг

Разом яблука та груші - 83 4/7 кг

Покрокове пояснення:

Яблука - 2/5 від усієї маси фруктів

Груши - 25% від усієї маси фруктів

Сливи - 45 кг

Всього  маса фруктів - ? кг

Переведемо 2/5 у відсотки :

2/5 = (2 : 5 )*100 = 40% Отже яблука складають 40% від усіх фруктів . Разом груші та яблука складають :

40+ 25 = 65 %

Тоді сливи складають

100 - 65 = 35% і це 45 кг

На 1 % припадає

\displaystyle \frac{45}{35}=\frac{9}{7}= 1\frac{2}{7} кг

Тоді груші і яблука разом становлять :
\displaystyle 65 * 1 \frac{2}{7}= 65 * \frac{9}{7}= \frac{585}{7}= 83\frac{4}{7} кг

Окремо яблука становлять :

\displaystyle 40 * \frac{9}{7}= \frac{360}{7}= 51\frac{3}{7} кг

Окремо груші становлять :

\displaystyle 25 * \frac{9}{7}= \frac{225}{7}= 32\frac{1}{7} кг

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Reading 1 Read the article about headphones. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-F the one which fits each gap. You may be surprised to discover that not everyone wants to hear your music. Fortunately, there is a very useful invention that can help-headphones. (1) They change an electrical signal into a sound in the user's ear. Of course, you will be familiar with headphones but do you know how long they have been around? But letters The first commercially successful set was designed by Nathaniel Baldwin in 1910 in the United States. (2) written by Baldwin show that they probably weren't the first. It is possible that the first headphones were created in the 1880s and worn by telephone operators. As the telephone moved into more people's homes, the telephone companies started to offer a new service. (3) They phoned a special number, then the operator connected them to the theatre. They put on their headset, which was worn under the head, not over, and listened to the opera or a play from their homes. (4) Headphones continued to develop during the 20th century and the quality of the sound got better and better. (5) They were small and light and worn in the ear. But they can fall out. Also, wearers can often hear other noises, so they increase the volume and that can be bad for the ear. (6) Small is out-designer headphones are in. But whatever type you wear - under, over, in your ear, big or small-headphones are something most of us can't live without. A People liked the feeling that they were at the theatre. B People could pay and listen to shows from theatres. C He made them in his kitchen and then he sold them to the American navy. D Headphones are small loudspeakers that are designed to fit over the ears. E The latest fashion is for really big headphones. F From the 1980s, earphones became very popular. 2 Read the article again and choose the best answers, A, B or C. 1 Nathaniel Baldwin designed A headphones he was able to sell. B the earliest headphones. C the best ever headphones. 2 The earliest headphones were probably used by A theatres. Bthe navy. C telephone operators. 3 When people first got telephones they A stopped going to the theatre. B could listen to the theatre from home. C didn't need headphones. 4 In the 1980s, people liked using earphones because A they weren't large and heavy. B they never fell out. C they were worn over the head. 5 Earphones can create problems because users A can't hear anything. B have the sound too loud. C don't talk to other people. 6 Big headphones are popular now because of their A cost. B quality. c design.​
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