Предмет: Русский язык, автор: konovalovaleksandr38

Помогите пожалуйста
С надёжн...м врач...м, со старательн...й учениц...й, о ловк...м спортсмене, прежн...ю подругу, об умел...м мастере, за метк...м стрелком, у аккуратн...й девочки, со строг...м юношей, о проворн...м школьнике, со старш...м братом, о младш...й сестре, с хорош...м товарищ...м, об опасн...м наводнени..., бел...м пушист...м снегом, в ясный зимн...й полдень, с ф...олетов...м оттенком и глубок...ми син...ми тенями, станов...тся лиловато – пепельн...м, снег кажется розов...м, золот...м, ранн...й весной, благородн...е и сильн...е люди, в берёз...в...й роще, ярко – син...е звёздочки, прошлогодн...е листья, с больн...м сыном, с лучш...м другом, спуск в широк...ю зелён...ю д...лину, залиты весенн...ю водою.

Чудн...м светом, на отлогом песчан...м берегу, пахло особенно свеж...й сыростью, с летн... ю теплотою, при ясн...м небе и ярк...м солнечн...м освещени..., ранн... погож...я осень, тих...е свеж...е утро, помню кленов...е аллеи, тонк...й ар...мат опавш...й листвы, запах антоновск...х яблок и осенн...й свежести, в свеж...м воздухе, по больш...й дороге, в поредевш...м саду, к больш...му шалашу, зловещ...е космы бегущих облаков, над тяжёл...ми свинцов...ми тучами, тёпл...м осенн...м днём, кажд...ю научн...ю статью, хребты синеват...х гор, новый охотнич...й домик, тёпл...м осенн...м днём, отрывн...й календарь, в широк...ю зелён...ю д...лину, залиты весенн...й водой, озаряла чудн...м светом, на отлог...м песчан...м берегу, пахло особенн...й свеж...й сыростью, с летн...й теплотою,


Автор ответа: pomogite10000



С надёжным врачом, со старательной ученицей, о ловком спортсмене, прежнюю подругу, об умелом мастере, за метким стрелком, у аккуратной девочки, со строгом юношей, о проворном школьнике, со старшим братом, о младшей сестре, с хорошим товарищем, об опасном наводнении, белом пушистым снегом, в ясный зимний полдень, с фиолетовым оттенком и глубокими синими тенями, становится лиловато – пепельным, снег кажется розовым, золотым, ранний весной, благородные и сильные люди, в берёзовый роще, ярко – синие звёздочки, прошлогодние листья, с больным сыном, с лучшим другом, спуск в широкую зелёную долину, залиты весеннюю водою

Чудным светом, на отлогом песчаном берегу, пахло особенно свежой сыростью, с летнюю теплотою, при ясном небе и ярким солнечным освещением, ранняя погож...я осень, тихое свежее утро, помню кленовые аллеи, тонкий аромат опавшей листвы, запах антоновских яблок и осенней свежести, в свежем воздухе, по большой дороге, в поредевшем саду, к большому шалашу, зловещее космы бегущих облаков, над тяжёлыми свинцовыми тучами, тёплым осенним днём, каждую научную статью, хребты синеватых гор, новый охотничий домик, тёплым осенним днём, отрывной календарь, в широкую зелёную долину, залиты весенней водой, озаряла чудным светом, на отлогом песчаном берегу, пахло особенной свежой сыростью, с летней теплотою,

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: ca06a1042
Сдалайте пожалуйста контрольную, я не успеваю, даю 45 балов
Task 1
Read the extracts from a newspaper and match them with the sections in a newspaper.
A. Education
B. Sports
C. International News
D. Letters to the Editor
E. Arts
F. UK News
1. Park security
From Ms Susan Lasdun
Sir, The money to be given by the National Lottery to restore our public parks is indeed cause for celebration.
I agree with Marcus Binney that improving the security in parks is essential if we are to safeguard the lottery investment from future vandalism...
2. Many classical ballets on the 19th century were based on feeble texts and survived either because they contained brilliant choreography or music...
3. The universities are revolting. Today, the vice-chancellors will decide whether to charge new students an emergency levy, as
a preliminary to making all students pay for higher education...
4. At the end of November, Simon Parke was on top of the world. He was the main attraction at a special press conference at Lamb’s
Club in London. On one hand was England’s first world team squash trophy; on the other...
5. “We are taking counter measures”, a spokeswoman said darkly, admitting that the area, despite the installation of many extra security devices since the Fagan incident, was still not fox-proof. “We used to send them to London Zoo...”
6. An earthquake struck the town of Santa Maria in Peru early yesterday morning. The quake measured 7.5 on the Richter scale...

Task 2
Read the text below. For statements choose T if the statement is true according to the text, and F if it is false.
British Newspapers
The British are great newspaper readers. Newspapers are often
thought of as either ‘qualities’ or ‘populars’ which depends on differences in style and content. The ‘qualities’ are newspapers which are
generally thought to give serious accounts of the news and reports on business matters, industry, culture and society. They are large-sized. The ‘quality’ papers, like The Times, The Guardian and others, are directed at readers who want full information on a wide range of
public matters and are prepared to spend a considerable amount of time reading it. They appreciate serious news presented seriously.
‘Qualities’ ‘Populars’
The Times Daily Express
Financial Times Daily Mail
The Daily Telegraph Daily Mirror
The Guardian The Sun
‘Popular’ newspapers appeal to people wanting news of a more entertaining character, presented with lots of illustrations. They offer
little amount of political news and explain political issues in easily understandable language.
Some newspapers come out only on Sundays. Many newspapers are printed in colour, and a number of papers produce colour magazines as part of the Saturday and Sunday paper. They provide reading material about fashion, clothes, cooking, diet, the house and home,
motoring and holidays. They publish sections with articles on travel, food and wine, and other leisure topics.
7. The British don’t like reading newspapers.
8. You can find serious news in the ‘quality’ papers.
9. The Daily express is larger in size than The Guardian.
10. The ‘popular’ papers have a lot of photographs.
11. The Times has more political news than The Daily Mirror.
12. There is a great variety of articles on different topics.
Task 3
Read the first two paragraphs about a young swimmer.
Aiming for gold Jamie is fourteen years old. He is a champion swimmer in his age and his coach believes that one day he could win an Olympic medal. This is Jamie’s dream. It’s not going to be easy to make that dream come true, however, and Jamie already has a tough weekly routine. He puts in two solid hours of training before school and in the evenings, he is back in the pool or the weights room. Then there are weekend sessions as well when he also has his homework. Find phrases in the text that have a similar meaning to one of the
multiple-choice answers below.
Then choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).
13. Jamie has __ .
A. won a lot of swimming races;
B. won competitions against people older than him;
C. not taken part in competitions yet;
D. won competitions against people the same age as him.
14. Jamie __ .
A. can relax at the weekend;
B. is very busy seven days a week;
C. does swimming as his only form of training;
D. gets less schoolwork than other boys of his age.
Предмет: Математика, автор: Hgdejvxj