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Pandas live mainly in temperate forests high in the mountains of southwest China, where they subsist almost entirely on bamboo. A panda's daily diet consists almost entirely of the leaves, stems and shoots of various bamboo species. Bamboo contains very little nutritional value so pandas must eat 12-38kg every day to meet their energy needs. But they do branch out, with about 1% of their diet comprising other plants and even meat. One the main reasons that panda populations have declined is habitat destruction. As the human population in China continues to grow, pandas' habitat gets taken over by development, pushing them into smaller and less livable areas. Habitat destruction also leads to food shortages.
Protecting pandas:
-increasing the area of panda habitat under legal protection.
-creating green corridors to link isolated pandas.
-patrolling against poaching, illegal logging, and encroachment.
-building local capacities for nature reserve management.
-continuing research and monitoring.