Rewrite the following sentences in the Passive Voice.
Model: He writes a note. The note is written.
1. The teacher stopped the exam before Mary had finished the last question.
2. We hope someone will meet us at the train station.
3. They must finish editing the film tomorrow.
4. They are restoring Michelangelo’s sculpture of David at the moment.
5. They had built the new airport development quite near a country town.
1. The teacher stopped the exam before Mary had finished the last question.
The exam was stopped by the teacher before the last question had been finished by Mary.
2. We hope someone will meet us at the train station.
We hope we will be met at the train station.
3. They must finish editing the film tomorrow.
Editing the film must be finished tomorrow.
4. They are restoring Michelangelo’s sculpture of David at the moment.
Michelangelo’s sculpture of David is being restored at the moment.
5. They had built the new airport development quite near a country town.
The new airport development had been built quite near a country town.
Чтобы переделать предложение из активного в пассивный залог, нужно:
1) дополнение из исходного предложения сделать подлежащим, то есть поставить в начало предложения;
2) активный глагол заменить конструкцией to be + 3я форма этого глагола; при этом помните, что нельзя изменять время глагола (нельзя заменить continuous на simple);
3) подлежащее активного залога делаем дополнением в пассиве, но к нему надо добавить предлог by (так мы обозначим, кем выполнено действие). Это дополнение можно и не использовать, как в первом предложении, ведь всё равно непонятно, кто этот "someone".