Предмет: Английский язык, автор: sigmaa

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Tim and his friends Katya and Steve went hiking last week to forget about the problems and get positive emotions. They planned to climb a snow-covered mountain. The weather was cold but sunny. shortly before the incident, the children were talking, smiling, joking and laughing.
At some point, the weather began to change. Tim looked up at the sky and saw dark clouds. Suddenly a strong wind blew. A snow storm has begun. the boy rolled down the mountain and fell before his friends could get to the top. They were horrified, but it was necessary to save a friend. Katya decided to stretch the rope to Tim, but he could not catch up. The boy broke his arm. Then Steve suggested calling a rescue helicopter.
The rescue team came to the rescue. Rescuers lifted the boy, gave him hot cocoa and sent him to the hospital. In the end, everything was fine. Despite what happened, the children were happy.

Заранее спасибо


Автор ответа: siryachenkovolodymyr

Відповідь:Tim and his friends Katya and Steve went hiking last week to forget about the problems and get positive emotions. They planned to climb a snow-covered mountain. The weather was cold but sunny. shortly before the incident, the children were talking, smiling, joking, and laughing.

At some point, the weather began to change. Tim looked up at the sky and saw dark clouds. Suddenly a strong wind blew. A snowstorm has begun. the boy rolled down the mountain and fell before his friends could get to the top. They were horrified, but it was necessary to save a friend. Katya decided to stretch the rope to Tim, but he could not catch up. The boy broke his arm. Then Steve suggested calling a rescue helicopter.

The rescue team came to the rescue. Rescuers lifted the boy, gave him hot cocoa, and sent him to the hospital. In the end, everything was fine. Despite what happened, the children were happy.

Пояснення: проблеми били перед and ми ставим кому и не  snow storm а A snowstorm

Ти молодец твір хороший.

Автор ответа: darianapxios


Tim and his friends, Katya and Steve went hiking last week for forget about the problems and get positive emotions. They planned to climb a snow-covered mountain. The weather was cold and sunny. Shortly before the incident, the children were talking, smiling, joking and laughing.

At some point, the weather began to change. Tim looked up at the sky and saw dark clouds. Suddenly a strong wind blew. A snow storm begun. the boy was rolled down the mountain and fell before his friends could get to the top. They were horrified, but it was necessary for saving a friend. Katya decided to stretch the rope to Tim, but he couldn't catch up. The boy had broken his arm. Then Steve suggested calling a rescue helicopter.

The rescue team came to the rescue. Rescuers lifted the boy, gave him hot cocoa and sent him to the hospital. In the end, everything was fine. Despite what happened, the children were happy.

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1) Тело совершает механическую работу только тогда, когда

1) оно движется

2) на него действует сила

3) оно движется по инерции

4) на него действует сила и оно движется

2) Механическую работу вычисляют по формуле

1) F=pS

2) F=gm

3) A=Fs

4) F=gpv

3) Работу измеряют в

1) Джоулях (Дж)

2) Ньютонах (Н)

3) Метрах (м)

4) Паскалях (Па)

4) Выразите в Джоулях работу, равную 0,85 кДж и 20 Нм

1) 85 Дж и 20Дж

2) 850Дж и 200 Дж

3) 850Дж и 20 Дж

4) 85 Дж и 200 Дж

5) Вычислите работу, которую производит садовод, прикладывая к тачке с землёй силу 25Н и перемещая её на 20м

1) 45 Дж

2) 50 кДж

3) 0,5 кДж

4) 50 Дж

6) Быстроту выполнения работы характеризует величина

1) Время

2) Скорость движения

3) Сила

4) Мощность

7) Мощность измеряют в

1) Ньютонах (Н)

2) Паскалях (Па)

3) Ваттах (Вт)

4) Джоулях (Дж)

8) Чему равна мощность, если за 1с совершается работа, равная 1Дж, 120 Дж

1) 1 Вт; 120 кВт

2) 10 Вт; 120 Вт

3) 1 Вт; 120 Вт

4) 1 Вт; 12 Вт
