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Найдите в тексте Present Simple и Past Simple.
A data-flow diagram is a way of representing a flow of data through a process or a system (usually an information system). The DFD also provides information about the outputs and inputs of each entity and the process itself. A data-flow diagram has no control flow — there are no decision rules and no loops. Specific operations based on the data can be represented by a flowchart.[1]
There are several notations for displaying data-flow diagrams. The notation presented above was described in 1979 by Tom DeMarco as part of structured analysis.
For each data flow, at least one of the endpoints (source and / or destination) must exist in a process. The refined representation of a process can be done in another data-flow diagram, which subdivides this process into sub-processes.
The data-flow diagram is a tool that is part of structured analysis and data modeling. When using UML, the activity diagram typically takes over the role of the data-flow diagram. A special form of data-flow plan is a site-oriented data-flow plan.
Data-flow diagrams can be regarded as inverted Petri nets, because places in such networks correspond to the semantics of data memories. Analogously, the semantics of transitions from Petri nets and data flows and functions from data-flow diagrams should be considered equivalent.
DFD consists of processes, flows, warehouses, and terminators. There are several ways to view these DFD components.[4]

znayka32: предложения 4,6,8 ,11,12,13 в Past Simple.остальные в present simple


Автор ответа: top4ik366


Предложения в Present Simple:

1) A data-flow diagram is a way of representing a flow of data through a process or a system (usually an information system).

2) The DFD also provides information about the outputs and inputs of each entity and the process itself.

3) A data-flow diagram has no control flow — there are no decision rules and no loops.

4) There are several notations for displaying data-flow diagrams.

5) For each data flow, at least one of the endpoints (source and / or destination) must exist in a process.

6) The data-flow diagram is a tool that is part of structured analysis and data modeling.

7) When using UML, the activity diagram typically takes over the role of the data-flow diagram.

8) A special form of data-flow plan is a site-oriented data-flow plan.

9) DFD consists of processes, flows, warehouses, and terminators. There are several ways to view these DFD components.

Предложения в Past Simple:

1) Specific operations based on the data can be represented by a flowchart.

2) The notation presented above was described in 1979 by Tom DeMarco as part of structured analysis.

3) The refined representation of a process can be done in another data-flow diagram, which subdivides this process into sub-processes.

4) Data-flow diagrams can be regarded as inverted Petri nets, because places in such networks correspond to the semantics of data memories.

5) Analogously, the semantics of transitions from Petri nets and data flows and functions from data-flow diagrams should be considered equivalent.


Present Simple - Простое настоящее время.

Маркеры времени:

always – всегда

often – часто

usually – обычно

regularly – постоянно

sometimes – иногда

seldom – изредка

rarely – редко

never – никогда

every day, week, month or year – каждый день, неделю, месяц или год

on Mondays (Sundays) – по понедельникам (по воскресеньям)

Present Simple используется:

1) Для описания общеизвестных истин, научных фактов, явлений природы и т. д.

2) Для описания чего-то, не привязанного к моменту речи, того, что актуально в общем.

3) Для описания регулярно повторяющихся событий.

4) Для описания расписаний чего-либо (поездов, автобусов, самолетов, телепередач и т.д.), а также договоренности о встрече с кем-то (свидание, запись к врачу, ужин и т.д.), даже если действие относится к будущему времени.

5) Для описания инструкций, указаний, рецептов.

6) Для описания последовательных действий, происходящих друг за другом в данный момент. Например, в спортивных обзорах, при комментировании новостей или пересказе историй.

7) В заголовках газет, книг, а также в новостных сводках, для сокращения количества символов.

Past Simple - Простое (неопределенное) прошедшее время.

Маркеры времени:

yesterday – вчера

the day before yesterday – позавчера

just now – только что

the other day – на днях

last week, month, year, decade, century – на прошлой неделе, в прошлом месяце, году, десятилетии, веке

an hour ago – час назад

three hours ago – три часа назад

two weeks ago – две недели назад

in 1992 – в 1992 году

at 6 o'clock – в 6 часов

Мы используем Past Simple:

1) Непродолжительные действия в конкретный момент в прошлом.

2) Действия, завершенные в прошлом.

3) Действия, которые не могут повториться.

4) Последовательные действия в прошлом.

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