Предмет: Українська мова, автор: annacapalo13

Срочно!!!!!Напишіть розповідь на тему «Надзвичайна подія», вико ристовуючи фразеологізми.(8-9 РЕЧЕНЬ)ДАЮ 33 БАЛИ!!!


Автор ответа: veronika170309


Одного осіннього дня ми вирішили з друзями не бити байдики, а піти до лісу по гриби. Але Петро був важкий на підйом і залишився вдома. У нас вуха пухнули, коли він шукав причину не йти з нами.

Ліс зустрів нас чудовою природою, навколо було тихо-тихо.  Ми були на сьомому небі від щастя. Раптом попереду затріщали гілки. «Медвідь», – подумали ми. Усі почали тікати без задніх ніг. Здавалося, за нами аж дим іде. Хоча ми не боягузи, але у нас зуб на зуб не попадав. Іван заткнув усіх за пояс. Він зупинився й сказав, що потрібно брати бика за роги та дізнатися, хто нас налякав.

Ми повернулися й побачили звичайного зайця. Веселим сміхом ми відвели душу. А Іван почав дерти кирпу. Правду говорять, що у страху великі очі. Та грибів ми все ж назбирали, хоча й не дуже багато.

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In fact Britains believe in young people of their country and they think that they will represent Britain in the 2Г century.The Government cares much about every aspect of life of young people, including education, health, social security, law, environmental and national heritage.The main principle of britain's education policy is that every young person should have the opportunity to get a good basic education until the age of at least 16. After 16, young people stay at school or college and achieve more advanced educational qualifications or they take part in government supported training programmes to achieve specific vocational skills. It helps them to be prepared for adult life.There are hundreds of voluntary youth groups and organisations in Britain at local, regional and national levels. They play an active role in the life of young people.We know that parential influence at home is a key factor in the young person's life. It includes wide social environment at school and popular culture» influence.It is a pity but only few young people регулярно attend youth clubs and organisations. Most of them are rather interested in activities that do not cost money and can be picked up with ease. Certainly, it means that a great deal of their time is spent with friends, cycling or skate-boarding.Many teenagers try to find «Saturday jobs» as assistants in shops, caffis or restaurants. They need money and it is quite normal. There are very many things that young people want to buy as we know. Many young people are fond of sports. They go in for fitness or football that is encouraged through school and by a great many outside organisations. Outside school activities are darts, chess, bowling and other more social games.


1. What is the main principle of the educational policy in Britain?

2. Is parential influence important in the young person's life?

3. What are the interests of young people in Britain?

4. What they are fond of?


heritage - наследие

to attend - посещать