Предмет: Українська мова, автор: vladbuvin1

Відредагуйте конструкції з дієсловами пасивного стану, замінивши їх на активні дієслівні конструкції.
1. Творче завдання до переказу оформляється учнем у вигляді нового тексту. 2. Авторами
використовуються різноманітні виражальні прийоми в текстах. 3. У рефераті наводяться
приклади вживання кольороназв В. Свідзінським. 4. Цей «Збірник текстів для переказів із


Автор ответа: uspex13


1. Творче завдання до переказу учні оформляють у вигляді нового тексту.

2. Автори використовують різноманітні виражальні прийоми в текстах.

3. У рефераті наводено приклади вживання кольороназв В. Свідзінським.

4. Цей «Збірник текстів для переказів із творчими завданнями» лінгвісти пропонують для письмового випускного екзамену з української мови на атестат про середню освіту.

5. У роботі рецензенти виділяють біографічний та історико-культурний методи дослідження.


vladbuvin1: 4. Цей «Збірник текстів для переказів із творчими завданнями» пропонується лінгвістами для письмового випускного екзамену
з української мови на атестат про середню освіту. 5. У роботі рецензентами виділяються
біографічний та історико-культурний методи дослідження.
uspex13: Доповнила. Дивися відповідь
vladbuvin1: Спасибі ❤️
vladbuvin1: https://znanija.com/task/50643963 допоможіть будь ласка
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: rtty00
III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense:
1. If it (to rain) tomorrow, our game will be cancelled.
2. If a dog (to bite) in her leg, she would go straight to hospital.
3. I wish I (to have) a season tickets to the Philharmonic next year.
4. If she hadn't missed the bus, she (not to be) late for work.
5. If I (to live) two hundreds years ago, I couldn't have spoken on the telephone.
6. If my daughter did her homework carefully, she (to get) much better marks.
7. I wish I (not to lend) Nick my watch: he has broken it.
8. I wish I (to know) Spanish.
9. If they had remembered your address, they (to send) you a postcard.

2 задание


George used to work for a big company located in a very old building downtown. He usually finished work at 5:00 p.m. as almost all the employees, except the security guards, but that day he had to stay working late on the 13th floor. It was around 9:00 p.m. and everybody in the company had already gone home; everybody but him. However he hadn’t noticed about it until unexpectedly he felt a strange silence. He couldn’t hear anything else than his breathing and the sound of his typing at the computer. He felt exhausted and sleepy–eyed so he decided to go to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. He was getting the coffee-pot ready when he saw her coming towards him.

–“Good evening, Mr. Welsh. Let me help you”-the woman offered him help to make the coffee and he was very thankful. “I’m not alone at all”, and went back to his office. Five minutes later the woman brought what seemed to be a steaming and tasty coffee, put it over George’s desk and left the office. He stood up in order to drink his coffee but as soon as he swallowed the first sip he spat it on the floor as it was revolting and as cold as ice. Immediately he felt a strange and frightening cold around him and the image of that woman came to his brain as a horrifying memory.

At that very moment he recognized the woman. He couldn’t believe his eyes. She had been murdered two years ago in one of the toilets of the company. As petrified as imaginable, he left the office running and sweating copiously. He could feel the woman’s foot steps behind him. He was about to faint when he met one of the watchmen of the building coming towards him with a lantern because he had heard some strange noise. George could hear no one following him anymore and in the end he realized he was safe.

1. The number of 13 has a magical power. ________
2. A strange thing happened to George one day late in the evening.________
3. George wasn’t alone to stay late to finish the project._______
4. The secretary helped him with coffee so that he could finish his work._____
5. The coffee was hot and good and completely woke him up.________
6. The woman that served George came to him in a dream. _______
7. The feeling of fear made George forget about his work and rush home.
8. Suddenly he realized that it was following him.