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I have to come up to the lights at the end of Parks Road. I must do about 25 miles an hour. There was a car waiting at the lights and, as I got nearer to it, the lights turned from red to green. This bloke he edged forward as they were to turn and I let off the brake, assuming you know, as anyone would, that he was to move off... because of the green light. So then, what was he to do? He suddenly stops. I mean, people do some stupid things, but you don't expect them to do exactly the opposite of what the signal is telling them to. I braked hard, but it was too late and I ran into the back of him.
2. Many stolen paintings have a strange history. But one of the strangest is that of a painting by the famous sixteenth-century painter Bruegel, stolen from the Courtauld Institute in London in the eighties.
The four thieves, who came to steal the painting, didn't know how much it cost. The first art expert who came to see the painting said it was priceless and couldn't name the exact price. The gang called another art expert who told them that the painting was worth £2-3 million. They then tried to sell the painting back to the gallery from which it was stolen. The gallery had to contact the police and arrange a meeting. The gang leader asked for the money to be brought in two suitcases with unmarked banknotes. However, the meeting was not to take place.