Предмет: Английский язык, автор: 1481488

Помогите со слово образованием. Test 1 (The Verb. Formation)
1. The writer devoted his book to the woman who had ... his whole life. (beauty)
2. They use a new system to ... water for human consumption. (pure)
3. It was so noisy that he had to ... to communicate his ideas. (gesture)
4. The man`s skin was ... as if from severe sunburn. (red)
5. Vitamins help to ... the human body. (detoxification)
6. A good mind should be ... with the study of literature. (rich)
7. Several surveys ... that people don`t eat healthy food. (illustration)
8. Terrorists dared to ... the lives of innocent people. (threat)
9. She was scared to death and felt her pulse ... . (quick)
10. She was accused of trying to ... a story about Mad Cow Disease. (sensational)
11. The bells were so loud that their sound ... the crowd. (deaf)
12. This book is so difficult. Someone should ... it. (simple)
13. Susan`s eyes ... in surprise when she saw this creature (wide)
14. He failed to ... the directon about the biggest crisis in the history of the organization. (notification)
15. M. Lomonosov ... his life to scientific work. (dedication)
16. I really ... with you. (sympathy)
17. Several years ago the European Union was ... by new countries. (large)
18. The teacher asked us to ... the rule. (memory)
19. The streets were ... with people. (crowd)
20. Belarusian enterprises need to ... their products abroad to increase their profit. (advertisement)
21. How does the village life ... with life in town? (comprasion)
22. Jupiter is a giant ice-ball ... by an atmosphere of various gases. (round)
23. The windows were open and the room was ... with cold. (frost)
24. They builtt a dam to ... the water supply. (deep)
25. What about the regular medication that the doctor has ... you? (prescription)
26. And people ... to from loving bonds with dogs. (tendency)
27. This companionship often helps to ... the pain and isolation of lonely people. (easiness)


Автор ответа: nellytheelephant


1. The writer devoted his book to the woman who had beautified his whole life. – Писатель посвятил своею книгу женщине, которая украсила всю его жизнь.

2. They use a new system to purify water for human consumption. – Они используют новую систему, чтобы очищать воду для потребления/использования.

3. It was so noisy that he had to gesticulate to communicate his ideas. – Было так шумно, что ему пришлось жестикулировать, чтобы передать свои идеи.

4. The man’s skin was reddened as if from severe sunburn. – Кожа мужчины была покрасневшей, как будто от сильного солнечного ожога.

5. Vitamins help to detoxify the human body. – Витамины помогают освободить от токсинов/шлаков тело человека.

6. A good mind should be enriched with the study of literature. – Хороший ум должен быть обогащен изучением литературы.

7. Several surveys illustrate that people don’t eat healthy food. – Несколько исследований иллюстрируют тот факт, что люди не едят полезную еду.

8. Terrorists dared to threaten the lives of innocent people. – Террористы посмели угрожать жизням невинных людей.

9. She was scared to death and felt her pulse quicken. – Она была напугана до смерти и почувствовала, как участился ее пульс.

10. She was accused of trying to sensationalize a story about Mad Cow Disease. – ее обвинили в попытке устроить сенсацию из истории про синдром коровьего бешенства.

11. The bells were so loud that their sound deafened the crowd. – Колокола были такие громкие, что их звон оглушил людей/толпу.

12. This book is so difficult. Someone should simplify it. – Эта книга такая сложная. Кто-то должен ее упростить.

13. Susan’s eyes widened in surprise when she saw this creature. – Глаза Сьюзан расширились от удивления, когда она увидела это существо.

14. He failed to notify the director about the biggest crisis in the history of the organization. – У него не получилось известить директора о самом крупном кризисе в истории организации.

15. M.Lomonosov dedicated his life to scientific work. – Ломоносов посвятил свою жизнь научной работе.

16. I really sympathize with you. – Я действительно сочувствую тебе.

17. Several years ago the European Union was enlarged by new countries. – Несколько лет назад Евросоюз был увеличен за счет новых стран.

18. The teacher asked us to memorize the rule. – Учитель попросил нас запомнить правило.

19. The streets were crowded with people. – Улицы были переполнены людьми.

20. Belarusian enterprises need to advertise their products abroad to increase their profit. – Белорусским предприятиям надо рекламировать свою продукцию за рубежом, чтобы увеличить прибыль.

21. How does the village life compare with life in the town? – Чем отличается жизнь в деревне от жизни в городе?

22. Jupiter is a giant ice-ball surrounded by an atmosphere of various gases. – Юпитер – это гигантский ледяной шар, окруженный атмосферой из различных газов.

23. The windows were open and the room was frosted with cold. – Окна были открыты, и комната промерзла от холода.

24. They built a dam to deepen the water supply. – Они построили дамбу, чтобы расширить (углубить) систему водоснабжения.

25. What about the regular medication that the doctor has prescribed you? – Как насчет регулярного приема лекарств, которые тебе прописал врач?

26.  And people tend to form loving bonds with dogs. – И люди склонны формировать дружеские связи с собаками/привязанность к собакам.

27. This companionship often helps to ease the pain and isolation of lonely people. – Это дружеское общение часто помогает одиноким людям облегчить боль и одиночество.


Это задание на образование глаголов от других частей речи.

*Будьте внимательны, в условии были опечатки.

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