Предмет: География, автор: azizausubakunova0

история биологического развития и формирование рельефа на территории Кыргызстана


Автор ответа: anastasiyaradion09
Кыргызстан - страна высоких гор и обширных долин - расположена в умеренных, субтропических широтах, примерно на тех же параллелях (39 град. -43 град. с. ш.), что и Болгария, Италия, Монголия. Северная граница Кыргызстана соответствует широте Баку, Рима, Нью-Йорка, а южная - Лиссабона, Вашингтона. С востока на запад республика протянулась на 900 км, а расстояние между северной и южной крайними точками ее составляет 410 км. Своеобразна и богата природа Кыргызстана. На сотни километров притянулись величественные горные хребты со скалистыми пиками, резко поднимающимися над предгорными равнинами и между горными котловинами. Гребни высоких горных цепей покрыты вечными снегами, сверкающими под яркими лучами солнца, и медленно сползающими голубоватыми ледниками. Здесь царят скалы и холод, а ниже - альпийские и субальпийские луга, леса, сухие степи, подчас пустыни. По дну ущелий, ворочая огромные валуны, с грохотом мчатся стремительные водные потоки. На пути путешественника встречаются отвесные скалы. По склонам, на близком расстоянии, один ландшафт сменяется другим. Скудная, жесткая, выжженная солнцем бурая растительность полупустыни и степи сменяется ярко-зелеными лугами и лесами высокоствольной тяньшанской ели. Такие контрасты природы Киргизии обусловлены значительной приподнятостью ее территории над уровнем моря, горным рельефом и положением и центре обширного материка Евразии, среди пустынь умеренного пояса
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It was the early hours of the morning and the house was totally silent. Even outside, nothing was stirring. There was no traffic - not the low rumble of a single car or the wheels of a bicycle climbing the hill outside our house. It was still dark and silent, completely silent. And then my stomach growled. It was loud and demanding. In fact it was so loud and demanding that I thought it would wake the neighbourhood, let alone the household. And I knew what my stomach was saying to me. ‘I want chocolate! Give me chocolate!’ But it was two weeks since I had decided to cut chocolate out of my diet. This was after a lifetime of indulgence and, to put it mildly, it had not been an easy decision. I adored chocolate in every shape or form – bars, cakes, puddings, boxes of Belgian chocolates and the list goes on… However, my doctor had ordered me to lose weight and that meant the chocolate had to go. For two very long weeks I had resisted the temptation. But it wasn’t getting any easier. The longing was as strong as ever and that night in the battle between my head and my stomach – my stomach won. I quietly got out of bed. I was going to break the rules and I was filled with almost childish glee at doing so. I was careful. No lights, and I avoided the creaky floorboards. As I passed my parents’ room, I heard the faint sounds of my dad snoring. Good. Then I was in the kitchen. The excitement and anticipation built as I opened the cupboard where I knew my mother kept a couple of bars for my sister’s packed lunches. My hand was actually trembling as I reached in the dark and touched the glossy cover. “What do you think you’re doing?’ The kitchen light came on suddenly and my heart leapt in my chest. The chocolate bar landed on the floor at my mother’s feet. Her lips were think with anger. In one moment fifteen years had disappeared and I was a small three-year-old child again, caught with her hand in the biscuit tin!
1. The author mentioned the time and the atmosphere
A to show how long it was since she had last eaten.
B to point out that she never slept very well.
C to emphasise the sound of her body's reaction to hunger.
D to indicate how isolated she was feeling.
2. The writer was careful to be quiet:
a) she didn't want to disturb anyone unnecessarily
b)she didn't want to have to share her treat with anyone
c) she was ashamed of what she was doing d) she knew someone might be in the kitchen
3. How did the writer feel when she got caught ?
a) sorry for her mother
b) embarrased by the situation
c) grateful that she was stopped
d) nostalgic for a time when she was younger. ​