family and its value essay
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The word "family" means different things to different people. But regardless of this or that family, in most cases they are all united by common values. And sometimes you have to think about what those values are. we don't often talk about the values that make our families strong. But they inform our behavior towards other family members. Our values help us in joy and experience, help us cope with ups and downs in our family life.The family plays an important role in the development of each person, in the life of the state, in the upbringing of new generations, in ensuring the stability and development of society. The most important social task of the family is the upbringing and development of children, the socialization of the young generation. the educational potential of the family includes not only its opportunities in the field of spiritual and practical activities of parents aimed at developing certain qualities in children, but also the opportunities determined by the family's micro environment and lifestyle in general. The main goal of any family is to create a new, better and free generation.
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