Use the Present Indefinite or Continuous.

1.sings, is singing
2.Does your son read much, reads, is reading, doesn’t read
3.what are you playing now, don’t remember, i am trying now, don’t play
4. say, use (?), makes, translates, is speaking
5. I’m translating now, i laugh myself often, i’m working
6. know, creates, does a compositor do, prints.
7. is typing
8. where does your son usually have dinner, has, goes.
9. what is she whiting, i don’t see.
10. he doesn’t have.
11. is having.
12. where does the sun rising, forget, rises, goes
13. is just rising (вот тут как-то странно, но пусть будет)
14. i’m taking
15. How often does your son take
16. Does your daughter play, she is learning(??), plays, begins, how often does she practice it, has
я не совсем уверена, что написала правильно, так как задание непонятно написано. Если есть какие-то ошибки, то сорри( Отпишите потом сколько поставили:)