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Самостійна робота 5 клас Нуш Вправи на всi дiï з натуральними числами і десятковими дробами. Варiант I Середнс арифметичне. 1. (1 бал) Знайди середнє арифметичне чисел 10; 12 i 11 A) 11 Б) 10 B) 12 г) 10,5 2.(1 бал) Сума восьми чисел дорівнює 98,4. Знайди середнс арифметичне цих чисел. A) 50 В) 11,3 г) 49,2 Б) 12,3 3) (1 бал) Обчисли: 0,23:0,1 A) 0,23 Б) 0,23 B) 18,06 г) 1,815 B) 2,3 1) 23 4.(1 бал) Знайди значення виразу: 6,05-0,3 A) 1806 Б) 18,15 5. (1 бал) Розв'яжи рiвняння у-124,5=38,2 A) 1,627 Б) 16,27 B) 162,7 г) 86,3 6. (1 бал) Подай у метрах 12 дм і запиши у вигляді десяткового дробу A) 1,2 м Б) 0,12м В) 0,012м г) 120 м 7. (3 бали) Середнє арифметичне трьох чисел дорiвнює 51,3. Два з цих чисел 45,2 i 50.4. Знайди трете число. 8. (3 бали) Автомобiль ïхав 5 год зі швидкістю 61 км/год і 7 год зі швидкістю 73 км/год. Знайдіть середню швидкість автомобіля протягом усього шляху.
Reported Speech (orders, requests)
Задание 1
Match the columns.
Укажите соответствие для всех 4 вариантов ответа:
1) so his brother asked him to hurry up.
2) so she offered to go to the cinema.
3) so the teacher asked them to be quiet.
4) so my mum forbade me to go outside.
__ It was too late,
__ Kate wanted to watch a film,
__ Jason wasn't ready to go,
__ The children were shouting,
Задание 2
Choose the correct reported sentence to the following direct one:
Put your hands up!
Выберите один из 3 вариантов ответа:
1) He allowed them to put their hands up.
2) He invited them to put their hands up.
3) He ordered to put their hands up.
Задание 3
Turn the sentence into Direct Speech and choose the correct variant:
She told them not to speak to their father like that.
Выберите один из 3 вариантов ответа:
1) Let's speak to your father like that!
2) Don't speak to your father like that!
3) Never speak to your father!
Задание 4
Choose the correct reported sentence to the following direct one:
"Let's go for a walk!", he said.
Выберите один из 3 вариантов ответа:
1) He refused to go for a walk.
2) He ordered to go for a walk.
3) He invited to go for a walk.
Задание 5
Turn the sentence into Reported Speech:
"Don't open the door to anyone," she said to her children.
Запишите ответ:
Задание 6
Turn the sentence into Reported Speech and choose the correct variant:
"Don't speak with your mouth full," he said to Tom.
Выберите один из 4 вариантов ответа:
1) He told Tom not to speak with his mouth full.
2) He told to Tom not to speak with his mouth full.
3) He said to Tom not speak with his mouth full.
4) He told Tom do not speak with his mouth full.
Задание 7
Match the sentences on the left to the reporting verbs on the right.
Укажите соответствие для всех 5 вариантов ответа:
1) warn
2) beg
3) refuse
4) suggest
5) promise
__ "No, I won't do it," she said.
__ "Let's go for a walk," he said.
__ "I'll buy you a new phone for your birthday," his dad said.
__ "Please, please, don't go away," she said.
__ "Don't go near the fireplace, it's dangerous," she said to them.
Задание 8
Match the tenses in Direct Speech on the left to their equivalents in Reported Speech on the right.
Укажите соответствие для всех 4 вариантов ответа:
1) Past Continuous (was/were doing)
2) Past Simple (did)
3) Future in the past (would do)
4) Past Perfect (had done)
__ Future Simple (will do)
__ Present Simple (do/does)
__ Present Continuous (am/is/are doing)
__ Present Perfect (have/has done)
Задание 9
Choose the correct direct sentence to the following reported one:
Martin begged me to borrow the bicycle.
Выберите один из 3 вариантов ответа:
1) Let me borrow your bicycle.
2) Please, please, let me borrow your bicycle.
3) Let's go cycling!
Задание 10
Choose the correct reported sentence to the following direct one:
The guard said to the driver: "Stop!"
Выберите один из 3 вариантов ответа:
1) The guard said the driver to stop.
2) The guard told to the driver to stop.
3) The guard told the driver to stop.