Предмет: Английский язык, автор: shultz18

III Open the brackets
1. A: ..................you (ever, see) ................... a live tiger? B: No, never. How about you?
A: I (see) .................................... one when I (go) ..................................... to India on business.
2.The council (promise) ....................................to repair that road for months now. They (even, send)
....................................someone to inspect it a few months ago, but so far nothing (happen)........................
3.This factory (manufacture) ..................................... cars since the middle of the Republic period.
4. Five years ago, I (buy) ............................. a car, which I (now, drive) ................................ for over 40,000
kilometers and it (only, ever, break) ...................................... down once.
5. Maggie (talk) ................................to Gerald on the phone when I (come) ................................... back from the
shops. I don't know when they (start) ....................................but i know they (talk) ............................... non-stop for
an hour now. It's amazing that they still have anything to discuss as this is the third time she (phone) ...........................
.....him today.


Автор ответа: polinagubatenko72
Відповідь: 1. А:Ever you saw a live a tiger?B:No,never. How about you?
A: I saw one when I went to India on business.
2. The council promising to repairing that road for the moths now.
They sent even someone to inspect it a few months ago,but so far nothing happened.
3.This factory manufacture cars since the middle of the Republic Period.
4.Five years ago.I bought a car,which I driving now for over 40.000 kilometers and it broke ever only down once.
5.Maggie talked to Gerald on the phone when I came back from the shops.I don't know when they started but I know they talking non-stop for an hour now. It's amazing that they still have anything to discuss as this is rhe third time she phones him today.

polinagubatenko72: Думаю,правильно
shultz18: спасибо большое
polinagubatenko72: Пожалуйста)
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: marieanna0037
Fill in each blank with an
appropriate preposition. (Not all of the prepositions have been
deleted.) Some blanks may use more than one word.

I was still curious ______ the Fitches. "Did Fitch marry the
woman who was looking after his daughter?"
Mrs. Johnson laughed as if I had asked her if there really was a
man ______ the moon.
"Well, not married as you mean 'married'. Nothing official in
the church or city hall, you understand. But I don't know. I only know
what they tell me. And they don't know much what goes on ______
that big house ______ the mountain."
"Well, who was the second Mrs. Fitch?"
"She was a wonderful woman; she loved children and took
them for rides ______ her horses into the hills. It was just after one
______ those rides that she died. Yes, she was really thirsty and Mrs.
Munsing brought her out some nice lemonade. Well, she drank that
lemonade and never got up ______ her chair. I tell you, no one felt
like having lemonade ______ a while."
"Did no one think that the drink may have been poison?"
"Well, of course we did. But Mr. Fitch and the police chief
determined it was some food poisoning ______ the little sandwiches
that she had taken on the trip ______ her. You know they get really
bad ______ the heat."
"And Fitch inherited her money, too?"
"Yes, indeed. She had lots of money. She owned practically
the whole town. There wasn't anyone growing up who wasn't paying
rent ______ her family. And since she was the only child, her
husband got it all. The same thing with the third wife who fell
______ her death.
"Clever, isn't he? Always marrying these rich women who
have no other relations. Seems kind of strange that they all died, but I
guess stranger things have happened. Well, you sit ______ a spell;
I'm going in to watch TV. Come in when you want."
The next day ______ noon, I went back ______ the
newspaper office and asked to see the newspapers ______ the time
______ the deaths ______ the three Fitch wives.
That afternoon I was called into the chief's office.
Предмет: Литература, автор: Аноним
1.Кто написал стихотворение «Родине»?

А)А.В.Жигулин в)Н.М.Рубцов

Б)С.Д.Дрожжин г)И.С.Никитин

2.Какие стихотворения написал С.Д.Дрожжин?

А)«Родине» в) «Лошади в океане»

Б)«Русь» «О, Родина! г) В неярком блеске…»

3.Как зовут поэта Дрожжина?

А)Дмитрий Спиридонович в)Спиридон Дмитриевич

Б)Иван Саввич г)Борис Абрамович

4.Какие синонимы вы бы выбрали к слову «черный»?

А)Темный о волосах: смоляной

Б)Белый о лошади: вороной

5.Подбери антонимы к слову «святой»

А)Прямой в) добрый

Б)Грешный г)греховный

6.Подбери антонимы к слову «бодро»

А)Устало в)скоро

Б)Живо г) быстро

7.Какие произведения написал И.С. Никитин?

А) «Утро» в) «Встреча зимы»

Б) «Лошади в океане» г) «Полно, степь моя, спать беспробудно»

8.О каком поэте идет речь в этом отрывке?

« Родился он в Воронеже в зажиточной мещанской семье. Учился в Воронежском духовном училище и духовной семинарии, но не окончил ее. Разорение отца и тяжелые семейные обстоятельства вынудили его стать содержателем постоялого двора».

А)об И.С.Никитине ; в) об А.В.Жигулине

Б) о С.Д.Дрожжине; г) о Б.А.Слуцком

9. «Он – поэт самоучка, из семьи крепостного, учился у деревенского дьячка грамоте «две неполных зимы», а в 12 лет был отправлен родителями из родного села в Тверской губернии в Петербург, в «люди». Работая мальчиком-половым в трактире «Кавказ», пристроился к чтению газет и книг и вскоре стал постоянным читателем Публичной библиотеки».

А) об И.С.Никитине; в) об А.В.Жигулине

Б) о С.Д.Дрожжине; г) о Б.А.Слуцком

10.В этом произведении рассказывается о гибели животных.

А)«Утро» в)«Встреча зимы»

Б)«Лошади в океане» г)«Полно, степь моя, спать беспробудно»

11.Закончи пословицу.

Человек без Родины, ……………………………………………

А)…что птица без гнезда

Б)…что без матери

В)…что без отца и без матери

Г)…что соловей без песни.

12.На чужой стороне Родина………………………………………..

А)…всем матерям мать

Б)…для нас дороже глаз

В)…милей вдвойне


13.Подбери синонимы к слову «гордиться»

А)Скромничать; в)важничать

Б)Кичиться; г) зазнаваться

14.Подбери слова, близкие по значению к слову «родина»

А)Дом; В) Отечество Б)Россия ; г)Отчизн