Предмет: Английский язык, автор: uzer13

Topic 2. your school magazine is organising a competition for best articles among school learners. you have to write an article about a deadly natural disaster. your article should include the following information: the type of a natural disaster and its description; the place where it occurred; -the description of its consequences.
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Автор ответа: Gulsumsan

Ответ:A tsunami is a natural disaster, huge waves

caused by the storm capable of destroying

everything in its path,very dangerous, more

likely to suffer city which is surrounded by

seas and oceans such as Japan. Japan earthquake and tsunami of 2011, also

called Great Sendai Earthquake or Great

Tōhoku Earthquake, severe natural disaster

that occurred in northeastern Japan on

March 11, 2011. The event began

with a powerful earthquake off the

northeastern coast of Honshu, Japan's

main island, which caused widespread

damage on land and initiated a series of

large tsunami waves that devastated many

coastal areas of the country, most notably in

the Tōhoku region (northeastern Honshu).

The tsunami also instigated a major nuclear

accidentat a power station along the coast.

The magnitude-9.0 earthquake struck

at 2:46 PM. (The early estimate of

magnitude 8.9 was later revised

upward.) The epicentre was located

some 80 miles (130 km) east of the city

of Sendai, Miyagi prefecture, and the focus

occurred at a depth of 18.6 miles (about 30

km) below the floor of the western Pacific

Ocean. The earthquake was caused by

the rupture of a stretch of the subduction

zone associated with the Japan Trench,

which separates the Eurasian Plate from the

subducting Pacific Plate.

A wave measuring some 33 feet high

inundated the coast and flooded parts of

the city of Sendai, including its airport and

the surrounding countryside. According to

some reports, one wave penetrated some 6

miles (10 km) inland after causing the Natori

River, which separates Sendai from the city

of Natori to the south, to overflow.

Объяснение:надеюсь поможет как то.

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