Предмет: Литература, автор: Pairwo

гармонійне поєднання кількох музичних звуків або голосів.

(застаріле) спiвець-пророк, музикант.

степова запашна рослина із червоним

або пурпуровим цвітом; полин.

кружний, обхiдний шлях.

бог дощу, блискавки й грому в слов'ян. (розмовне) пошана.

(застаріле) обличчя.

правитель у половців.

бранці, полонені.​


Автор ответа: biba4ka710

1: акорд 2:твар 3: євшан-зілля 4:почот 5:гудець 6:хан 7: ясир 8: Перун 9:манівці

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СРОЧНО!! даю 30 баллов

1. Fill in the gaps with prepositions where necessary.
A. 1. I don't eat much .. the day, but I always have a big meal the evening
2. I learnt to drive ... four weeks.
3. Columbus discovered America ... the 15th century.
4. 'I'm going out now. l'llbe back ... 4.30. Will you still be here?' 'I don't think so. I'll probably have gone ... then.' 5. We were in Rome ... ten days last August.
6. It's 10 o'clock now. John left two hours ...
7. She said she had been shopping ... two hours.
8. I've been learning English ... last year.
9. 'How long did you stay at the party last night?' . midnight.'
10. I'm tired. I'm going to lie down ... a few minutes.
11. .. the exam everybody was nervous.
12. ... dinner we went for a walk
13. He translated the article ... an hour.
14. The train will be leaving ... a few minutes.
15. They got married ... last March.
16. We often go to the beach ... the summer.
17. Tom isn't here ... the moment.
18. Ann's birthday is... January.
19. Do you work ...Saturdays?
20. We went to bed late ... last night.
20. I won't be out very long.
I'll be back... ten minutes.
21. The telephone and the doorbell rang .... the same time.
22. It was quite a short book and easy to read. I read it ... a day.
23. We didn't speak ... we were eating.
24. We didn't speak ... the meal.
25. I've lived in this house ... six years.
26. I'll have finished my work ... 11 o'clock.
27. Carol got married .. 17, which is rather young to get married.
28. I've been invited to a wedding ... 14 February.
29. Tom doesn't see his parents very often these days - usually .
... Christmas and sometimes .... the summer ... a few days.
30. The course begins ... 7 January and ends .. 10 April.
31. There are usually a lot of
parties ... New Year's Eve.
32. Next week I'm going to Los Angeles .... a few weeks.
33. We were very tired ... walking ... three hours.
34. Did you go out ..
Monday morning?
35. I always have breakfast ... going to work.
36. I've lived in this house ... I was seven years old.
37. Jack is out of town. He'll be away ... next Wednesday.
38. How long ... did she leave?
39. When I spoke to the woman, I understood I had met her somewhere ...
40. Mr Woods had been working ... 50 years when he finally retired … 1985.
41. An old man was peacefully sleeping ... the show and when asked of his opinion of the last act he said:
'I haven't seen such a play ... ages. I couldn't take my eyes off the stage ... the show. I think we must enjoy it once more ... a month or so. I want to remember it ... ever.' 42. I felt very cold because I had been standing outside ... over two hours.
43. She said that she had lived in Paris... she was 10.
44. I often go away ... the weekend.
45. They're going on vacation ... next Monday.
46. The park is lovely ... the spring.
47. Do you often go out ... the evening?
48. Goodbye. I'll see you .... a few days.
49. I like looking at the
stars in the sky ... night.
50. I will send you the money ... the end of this month.
51. She calls me ... every Sunday.
52. We went to Mexico ... last summer.
53. The concert is ... November 20.
54. I'm going to France.
.. October.
55. We're leaving ... tomorrow morn-
ing, but we'll be back ... three weeks' time.
56. Did she send you a card ... your birthday?
57. He has been here .. Monday.
58. I've been cleaning my flat .. the past two hours.
59. Six months ... they moved ... Manchester.
60. John left school three years .... Jane had already left school three years...
61. They usually go on holiday ... two weeks ... every summer.
62. I went to bed early last night, but I wasn't tired. I read a book ... 3 o'clock.
63. I went to sleep I was watching television.
64... eating the apple, she washed it.
65. I started work .. reading the newspaper.
66. The 11.45 train left ... time.
67. I've sent Jill her birthday present. I hope it arrives ... time (for her birthday).
68. All the players shook hands ... the end of the match.
69. Tom couldn't decide where to go for his holidays. He decided to go to Italy ... the end. 70. Tom didn't want to lend us the money at first but .... the end he agreed.
71. I'll be moving to a new address ... the end of September. 72. The bus was late this morning, which is unusual. It's usually ... time.
73. We had to get on the train without tickets because we didn't get to the station ... time to buy them.
74. 'I'll meet you at the corner at 7.30.' "O'kay, but please be... time.'
75. The conference was very well organised. Everything began and finished ... time.
Предмет: История, автор: dzaytseva2009