Reading Task3. Read the text and answer the questions. Teenagers around the world express themselves through what they wear, their habits or the music they listen to. Like-minded teens tend to form groups or categories called teen tribes. These are two popular teen tribes in the USA: Soulstrels Of all the urban teen tribes, this one is an all-girls club. You've got to look good and stand out in a crowd. Soulstrels like modern trendy clothes, such as skinny jeans and crop tops. Accessories are important too. You have to have great nails and perfect hair that's beautifully styled. The most prized possession is a really expensive phone. Phablets (very large smartphones) are popular. The bigger the phone, the better and you need a great case so that others can notice you - something which is extremely important. The same goes for jewellery. Oversize gold jewellery like gold hoop earrings are a must. Hip hop music and R&B are the sounds that soulstrels love best. Nu-metallers These boys are the alternative crowd. Appearance is not a major concern of theirs. However, they wear a lot of black and ripped jeans as well as very loose rock band T-shirts are a must. Long hair is also a sign of this tribe. Some of the older heavy metal fans don't think nu-metallers are true metal fans because the music takes elements from hip hop, grunge, punk as well as heavy metal music. But it's still music parents might find strange and very noisy! Nu-metallers like going to rock concerts and outdoor music festivals. The music and the fashion are alternatives to designer label fashion and glossy pop songs. It's loud and just a bit different. Which teenagers, soulstrels (S) or nu-metallers (N)... 1 like music with different styles all mixed up together?........ 2 want others to pay attention to them? 3 don't really care about the way they look? 4 wear expensive accessories? 5 often have very big mobiles? ********
Which teenagers, soulstrels (S) or nu-metallers (N)...
1 like music with different styles all mixed up together? - N
2 want others to pay attention to them? - S
3 don't really care about the way they look? - N
4 wear expensive accessories? - S
5 often have very big mobiles? - S
1 Nu-metallers like music that takes elements from hip hop, grunge, punk as well as heavy metal music. (ню-металлисты любят музыку с элементами хип-хопа, гранжа, панка и хэви-металла)
2 Soulstrels like to stand out in a crowd. (Соулстрелс любят выделяться из толпы.)
3 Nu-metallers don't care about the way they look - "appearance is not a major concern of theirs". (не заморачиваются по поводу внешнего вида)
4 Soulstrels like wearing expensive accessories - phablets and gold jewellery. (любят дорогие аксессуары - большие смартфоны и золото)
5 Soulstrels have vey big mobiles - phablets.