Помогите пожалуйста,нужно переписать(перефразировать) текст. It is a well-known fact that many rare animal species are in dunger of extinction. There are, however, a number of possible solutions which could save these animals from dying out.
First of all, it would be a good idea to ban hunting. If hunting were made illegal, then people would stop killing rare animals for their fur or other products.
Secondly, it would help if we took better care of these animals' natural habitats, such as forests and lakes. By doing this, rare species would have safe places to live. Finally, another usefy! suggestion would be to start more captive breeding programmes in zoos around the world. In this way, we could make sure that rare species continue to survive.
All things considered, there are many solutions to the problem of endangered species. The sooner we all put these solutions into action the better.
Numerous unusual animal species are in danger of going extinct, which is a well-known truth. However, there are a number of potential remedies that could prevent the extinction of these animals.
First and foremost, it would be wise to outlaw hunting. People wouldn't continue to kill endangered animals for their fur or other items if hunting were declared illegal.
Moreover, it would help if we looked after the lakes and woods that serve as these animals' natural homes. Rare species would have secure places to reside if this were done. Finally, starting additional captive breeding programs in zoos throughout the world is another excellent option. By doing this, we may guarantee the survival of endangered species.
When all is said and done, there are numerous ways to deal with the issue of endangered animals. The sooner we all start implementing these answers, the better.