Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: danyakoval1321
6 Read and choose the statements below according to the street styles shown on the right. Write in the appropriate number. They wear their hair long. They love extravagant dresses and hairstyles. They usually wear untidy clothes. They wear lots of rings, bracelets and bells. 0 0 They prefer to be free and not to work. They love wearing long robes or dresses and wide trousers. They like to wear their hair long with lots of colour threads in it. They pierce their noses and ears with pins. They wear sandals or walk barefoot (without shoes). They wear old black denim jeans. They have brightly dyed (painted) hair. They carry flowers. They love wearing boots on wooden sole. They show off their independence in wearing silver earrings and sometimes nose- rings. They are antifashion: they prefered wearing old clothes or making their clothes. Hippies Punks 3 New Age Travellers
Автор ответа:
- They wear their hair long. -- У них длинные волосы.
- They wear lots of rings, bracelets and bells. -- Они носят множество колец,браслетов и колокольчиков.
- They love wearing long robes or dresses and wide trousers. -- Они любят носить длинные балахоны или платья и широкие штаны.
- They wear sandals or walk barefoot (without shoes). -- Они носят сандалии или ходят босиком (без обуви).
- They carry flowers. -- Они носят цветы.
- They love extravagant dresses and hairstyles. -- Они любят странные наряды и причёски.
- They usually wear untidy clothes. -- Они обычно носят неряшливую одежду.
- They pierce their noses and ears with pins. -- Они прокалывают носы и уши булавками.
- They have brightly dyed (painted) hair. -- У них ярко окрашенные волосы.
New Age Travellers:
- They prefer to be free and not to work. -- Они предпочитают быть свободными и не работать.
- They like to wear their hair long with lots of colour threads in it. -- Они любят ходить с длинными волосами,в которые вплетены цветные нити.
- They wear old black denim jeans. -- Они носят старые чёрные джинсы.
- They love wearing boots on wooden sole. -- Они любят носить ботинки или обувь с деревянной подошвой.
- They show off their independence in wearing silver earrings and sometimes noserings. -- Они демонстрируют свою независимость ношением серебряных серёжек и иногда колец в носу.
- They are antifashion: they prefered wearing old clothes or making their clothes. -- Они против моды: предпочитают носить старые вещи или изготавливать одежду самостоятельно. #SPJ1

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