11.6.10 Report the questions/commands.
1 "Give me more time to finish the project," she
said to us.
"Do you have a pet?" Saule said to me.
"What do dolphins eat?" Ulan said to us.
"Can I borrow this book?" he said to me.
"Don't talk during the test," the teacher said
to them.
1 "Give me more time to finish the project," she said to us.
She told us to give her more time to finish the project.
2 "Do you have a pet?" Saule said to me.
Saule asked me if I had a pet.
3. "What do dolphins eat?" Ulan said to us.
Ulan asked us what dolphins ate.
4. "Can I borrow this book?" he said to me.
He asked me if he could borrow that book.
5. "Don't talk during the test," the teacher said
to them.
The teacher told them not to talk during the test.
В косвенной речи порядок слов в вопросах всегда прямой (подлежащее+сказуемое).
При переводе прямой речи в косвенную необходимо соблюдать правило согласования времен (когда Past Simple и Present Perfect меняем на Past Perfect, Present Continuous - на Past Continuous и т. д.).
Кроме того, при образовании косвенной речи нужно заменять некоторые обстоятельства времени и местоимения:
yesterday - the day before
today - that day
tomorrow - the next day, the following day
this - that
these - those
Команды, инструкции и просьбы в косвенной речи передаются при помощи инфинитива с частицей to.
А если это просьба не делать что-то, то используется отрицательный инфинитив: not to do.