Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb: go, play or do.

1 Let's go snowboarding in the mountains at the weekend!
2 My little sister do gymnastics every Saturday morning - she's getting really good!
3 I can't wait to go surfing at the weekend.
4 Elise wants to go ice skating whit us.
5 My dad loves watching his favourite team play rugby.
6 My older brother go climbing in his free time.
7 I want to be a professional, so I play tennis as much as I can.
8 Do you want to play basketball after school?
9 I might go swimming on Saturday. Do you want to come?
10 John go jogging around the park for an hour a day.
11 My friend go ice hockey at the sports centre on Wednesdays.
12 Would you like to play table tennis with us?
13 It rained, and so we didn't do athletics.
14 We play volleyball in the sports hall at school.
15 When the weather is nice, I often go windsurfing on the lake.
16 I get really fit when I play squash.
Play используется со видами спорта, в которых есть команды, правила и соревнования:
Go используется с действиями, где действие находится в форме -ing.
Для всех других развлекательных мероприятий мы используем do.
Можно пожалуйста лучший ответ. <3