Подготовьте речь, в которой вы выступаете против примеров дискриминации в школе. Какие примеры дискриминации существуют в школах и как с ними бороться.
10-15 предложений
The law which says you mustn’t be discriminated against is called the Equality Act 2010. Discrimination which is against the Equality Act is unlawful. This means you can take action in the civil courts.
You can follow these steps to check whether unlawful discrimination has taken place:
why you are being treated unfairly - unfair treatment only counts as unlawful discrimination if it's for certain reasons
who is treating you unfairly - unfair treatment only counts as unlawful discrimination if it's carried out by certain people
what's the unfair treatment you’ve experienced - only certain types of behaviour count as unlawful discrimination
how is the treatment unfair - there are different types of unlawful discrimination.
Who’s treating you unfairly?
The following education providers mustn’t discriminate against you:
further education institutions like colleges
higher education institutions like universities
teachers or staff employed by the school, college or university