Vocabulary 3 Each of the words in bold is in the wrong sentence. Write a word in bold from another sentence to replace the incorrect one. 1 I've decided to raise the Boston Marathon this year! 2 Tony isn't local! He's got a huge house and an expensive car. 3 My class wants to enter money for the poor children in Somalia. 4 My uncle is a poor actor and he gives a lot of money to children in Africa. 5 My parents give money to the messy WWF every year. 6 Look at this room! Why are you so rich, Judy? 7 Have you seen that the marathon butcher's on the high street has closed? 8 Has your dad ever run a charity?

1 I've decided to enter the Boston Marathon this year!
2 Tony isn't poor! He's got a huge house and an expensive car.
3 My class wants to raise enter money for the poor children in Somalia.
4 My uncle is a rich actor and he gives a lot of money to children in Africa.
5 My parents give money to the charity WWF every year.
6 Look at this room! Why are you so messy, Judy?
7 Have you seen that the local butcher's on the high street has closed?
8 Has your dad ever run a marathon?
1 Я решил принять участие в Бостонском марафоне в этом году!
2 Тони не бедный! У него огромный дом и дорогая машина.
3 Мой класс хочет собрать деньги для бедных детей в Сомали.
4 Мой дядя — богатый актер и даёт много денег детям в Африке.
5 Мои родители ежегодно жертвуют деньги на благотворительный фонд WWF (Всемирный фонд защиты природы).
6 Посмотрите на эту комнату! Почему ты такая неряшливая, Джуди?
7 Вы видели, что местная мясная лавка на главной улице закрылась?
8 Твой отец когда-нибудь бегал марафон?