SAUI Listening Taskl. Listen to someone calling a radio a station. As you listen, tick (V) the things he talks about.
1 You hear a news report on the radio.
What has happened?
A A car has been in a collision with a bus.
B The trains are not running to the station.
C A bridge has been hit by a train.
2 You hear a man talking to the receptionist in a leisure centre.
What does he have to do?
A pay his membership fee
B have his photograph taken
C ask for his membership card to be posted
3 You hear a man and a woman talking about a friend.
What has the friend done?
A He has broken his leg.
B He has been on holiday.
C He has started training.
4 You hear a conversation in a lift.
What does the woman say about her boss?
A He expects her to work late.
B He is kind and helpful.
C He makes her feel guilty.
5 You hear a teacher talking to a student.
The student needs more time in order to
A finish writing her essay.
B get a book from the library.
C print her essay.
6 You hear an author talking on the radio about a book she has written.
What does she say about her research?
A It was more difficult than she had expected.
B She did some of it during a holiday.
C She interviewed Madeleine.
7 You hear a couple talking about their garden.
What does the woman say the man should do first?
A The hedge needs to be trimmed.
B The grass needs to be cut.
C The rubbish needs to be cleared away.
8 You hear a radio presenter talking about a new business.
What is on offer until 31 May?
A Job hunters can upload their CV.
B Registration on the website is free.
C Businesses can advertise at a cheaper rate.