потрібно написати 10-12 речень про те, як ти зрозумів цитату
не через перекладач

охххх ну и задания у вас конечно, не думаю, что стив додумался бы до такой фразы. старался : )
I heard this quote from Steve Jobs. These words inspired me! It means something special to me. To be honest, I didn't understand all the words in his quote, but I got the main sense from this. I think Steve Jobs very wise man, but sometimes it can be hard to understand him. I can suppose that he means that jobs can look like something usual or feels like it's the most worse job, but every job is special! So u shouldn't care about the job`s name, etc. Every job is important! So we must respect all the good guys who have good jobs. I mean without police we could have a lot of murders in the world, without firefighters we could have a lot of fires in the forests and the cities, without teachers a lot of children could be silly. So we have to respect everyone.