1. Chim wee will shove these! 2 What is your sweetheart? 3. Mo zahoplen muzika. 4. I love sports, especially winters, see the sport of forging, lying down. 5. When I work, I like to chat with friends and chat with them 6. I often play with Shahi from my son. 7 How many dollars of the century from your collection? Nearly three hundred 8 I'm hoarding photography. Wherever you go, I always take a camera with me. 9. My friend love to rise in price. I skin my admission of wines here at the pivnochi or at the pivdni. Vіn vіdvіduі also foreign cranes. Traveler hob. 10. Mo zakhoplennya - earthen movi. I already know a French German movie. Immediately cha English. I obov'yazkovo shonedily marvel at the TV program - the lesson of the agai movie. 11. In the evenings, I lose my house, the chtanka, I get ready and I clean up the apartment. 12. Your zakhoplennya me dastatsya as pіnvalnym , so і practical