Предмет: Українська мова, автор: Аноним

Прочитайте уважно речення. Розташуйте їх так, щоб утворився текст (запишіть послідовно номери речень на чернетці).
Виберіть правильну відповідь.
1. Потім його зібрали, змололи, тісто замісили — хліб спекли.
2. І лежить хліб — золотий, теплий, пахучий, руками роботящими подарований.
3. Принесли хліб і на стіл поклали.
4. Робочі руки зерно в ріллю посіяли.
5. На столі лежить хлібина золота і ніби до сонця промовляє: любіть мене, шануйте мене, їжте та здоровими будьте.

А)5,4,1,3,2 Б) 3,4,1,5,2 В)2,3,4,1, 5 Г)3,4,1,2,5


Автор ответа: dzeganksenia


ответ б


надеюсь правельно

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: gogolevn07
Task 1. Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives given.
1. Our new house is ___________ (far) from my school than my old house.
2. Gary is cheerful, but his brother is _______ (happy) than him.
3. The weather today is _________ (bad) than yesterday.
4. I really like English but science is _________ (interesting) to me.
5. Life in the countryside _______________ (relaxed) than life in big cities.
6. Do you think maths is _____________ (easy) than physics?
Task 2. Choose the correct alternative to complete the text.
Last year, Charlotte was (a) the best/the most good student at our school. She was
(b) the quickest/ most quickest student in the class to solve the problems the maths teacher
gave us, and (c) the faster/the fastest student in PE. It was funny, because she was
(d) the younger/the youngest student in the class. Her twin brother Alfie is ten minutes
(e) older/more old than her, although she is (f) taller/tallest than him. Charlotte got top
marks in her maths test so she was the (g) more intelligent/most intelligent student in the
Task 3. Complete the sentences with a/an, the or 0.
1. Tilly’s _________ loudest person I know.
2. My mum has ___________ dog. His name is Lucky.
3. How important is _________ money to you?
4. Johnny’s got a new phone. _________ phone has got an amazing camera.
5. We had ________ old car when I was younger.
6. In general, do you like ________ chocolate?
Task 4. Choose the best answers (A, B or C) to complete the text.
This year I’m going to volunteer in a charity shop. I’m very (1) _________ about the
problem of world (2) ___________. There are so many places where people don’t have
enough to eat and that doesn’t seem right when we waste so much food here. When I tell
people at school, they aren’t (3) ________. They think I’m too (4) ________. But I think
it’s important to try to do something even if it’s only small. I’m quite (5) _________ and
the people in the charity shop seem happy that I’m going to work there. I think it will be
fun, too!
1 A bored
B worried
C relaxed
2 A hunger
B violence
C pollution
3 A stressed
B sad
C interested
4 A kind
B serious
C quiet
5 A lazy
B quiet
C hard-working