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1. ___ London is ___ capital of ___ Great Britain, ___ full name of which is ___ United Kingdom of ___ Great Britain and ___ Northern Ireland. 2. ___ Volga is ___ fabulous river. 3. They used to spend their summer holidays on ___ Black Sea coast in ___ Crimea. 4. Many European adventurers crossed ___ Atlantic Ocean in ___ search of ___ riches on ___ American continent prior to ___Columbus. 5. ___ Gorki Street was renamed into ___Tverskaya Street. 6. ___ Red Square and ___ Kremlin are ___ heart of ___ capital. 7. ___ London was founded in ___ 1st century BC by ___ Julius Caesar. 8. ___ St. Petersburg was founded on ___ banks of ___ Neva by Peter ___ Great. 9. ___ Johnsons are our next-door neighbours. 10. ___ Canada is situated in ___ northern part of ___ North America. 11. Beyond lay ___ Smoky Mountains. 12. We left for ___ East on the following morning. 13. We came to ___ Ohio River after that. 14. They passed many coal mines on ___ way. 15. We crossed ___ historic Delaware River at ___ Trenton. 16. He arrived in ___ New York on ___ very rainy day. 17. The Mannings went through ___ Blue Ridge Mountains on their trip. 18. She spent several hours at ___ Bronx Zoo on ___ Monday. 19. They took ___ wonderful boat ride around ___ Manhattan on ___ last day of their visit. 20. ___ Dr. Rebecca Richards is our dentist. 21. ___ Lions donated ___ money for ___ new park. 22. You could buy ___ Picasso for £300 in those days. 23. I'm reading ___ Agatha Christie at ___ moment. 24. ___ Lady Diana's wedding dress was very beautiful. 25. ___ Sir Michael has made it very clear. 26. ___ Ryan gave ___ Sunday Tribune to his father.
1. - London is the capital of Great Britain, the - full name of which
is the United Kingdom of Great Britain - and - Northern Ireland. 2. The Volga is a fabulous river. 3. They used to spend their summer holidays on the Black Sea coast in - Crimea. 4. Many European
adventurers crossed the Atlantic Ocean in -
search of riches on the American
continent prior to - Columbus. 5. - Gorki Street
was renamed into - Tverskaya
Street. 6. The Red Square and the Kremlin are
the heart of the capital. 7. - London was founded in the 1st century BC by -
Julius Caesar. 8. - St.
Petersburg was founded on the banks
Neva by Peter the Great. 9. the
of the
Johnsons are our next-door neighbours. 10. -
Canada is situated in the northern
part of the North America. 11. Beyond lay the Smoky Mountains. 12. We left for the
East on the following morning. 13. We came to the Ohio River after that. 14.
They passed many coal mines on the way. 15.
We crossed the historic Delaware
River at - Trenton. 16. He arrived in - New York on a very rainy day. 17. The
Mannings went through the Blue Ridge Mountains on their trip. 18. She spent
several hours at the Bronx Zoo on - Monday. 19.
They took a wonderful boat ride
around - Manhattan on the last day of their visit.
20. Dr. Rebecca Richards is our dentist. 21. The Lions donated - money for a new park. 22. You could buy
a Picasso for £300 in those days. 23. I'm reading
- Agatha Christie at the
moment. 24. - Lady Diana's wedding dress was
very beautiful. 25. - Sir Michael
has made it very clear. 26. - Ryan gave a Sunday Tribune to his father.