15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90
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Похожие вопросы
1 2. 5. 6. 7. 3. They didn't play well in the last match, a. did they b. were they 4. You can speak four foreign languages, b. can't you 8. He is very good at Math, a. is he 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. She goes to school by bus, . a. is she b. isn't he Everyone is ready, a. are they Everything has been a. have they These books aren't a. are these b. isn't she c. didn't they ? a. can you c. do you There has been no rain for the last five days, a. does there c. has there b. doesn't it ? c. is it b. aren't they done, c. has it c. are they c. is it c. didn't he c. do I ? c. do they ? c. does she ? b. haven't they yours,. b. aren't these 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. b. hasn't she 14. Take care of my house when I am away.. a. do you b. will you 15. She shouldn't tell a lie to her parents, a. should b. shouldn't 16. Nothing has happened since I left, c. does ? c. did I a. has it b. hasn't it 17. The air-hostess knows the time she has been here, a. does she b. has she c. doesn't she 18. It is the second time she has been here, b. hasn't she 19. 20. That's Bod's, a. is that No one died in the accident, a. didn't they b. did he I'm right,, ? a. aren't I b. am not I They never came to class late, a. did they Your sister has to work at night, a. has she a. must they Let's go somewhere a. do we b. isn't that a. has she They must do as they are told. You think he is right, a. is he b. didn't they b. mustn't they for a change now, b. shall we He hardly has anything a. is he nowadays, b. doesn't he ? You've got a cat, a. haven't you b. have you None of them agreed with you,. a. did they b. didn't they I am not sure Ann will come.. a. aren't I b. am not I b. isn't he c. is it c. does she ? c. aren't I c. is it ? she? c. aren't they ? c. don't we ? c. does he ? c. do you ? c. did you c. will she c. do you d. isn't it d. doesn't she d. weren't they d. are you d. hasn't there d. isn't it d. hasn't it d. aren't they d. isn't it d. did they d. don't I d. don't they d. doesn't she d. do l d. doesn't d. didn't I ? d. hasn't she d. isn't it d. needn't they d. shan't we d. hasn't he d. don't you d. didn't you d. won't she d. don't you
На украинском языке:
У квартирі, де живе Андрій, установлено лічильники холодної ігарячої води. 1 березня лічильник холодної води показував 188 м³, а гарячої- 112м³. 1 квітня лічильник холодної води показував 202 м³, гарячої - 116м³. Ціна 1 м³ холодної води становить 17 грн 20 коп., а гарячої — 75 грн 70 коп. Скільки має заплатити Андрій за березень? Відповідь запишіть у грн.
На русском языке:
В квартире, где живет Андрей, установлено счетчики холодной и горячей воды. 1 марта счетчик холодной воды показывал 188 м³, а гарячои- 112м³. 1 апреля счетчик холодной воды показывал 202 м³, горячей - 116м³. Цена 1 м³ холодной воды составляет 17 грн 20 коп., А горячей - 75 грн 70 коп. Сколько должен заплатить Андрей за март? Ответ запишите в грн.