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1 The rooms are cleaned every day.
2 The luggage is checked by the customs officer.
3 The dog is walked twice a day.
4 English and French are spoken in Canada.
5 Lemonade is sold in plastic bottles.
6 The internet is used all over the world.
7 Christmas is celebrated in England on 25th of December.
8 Cakes are made by confectioners.
9 Time is shown by clocks and watches.
10 Football is played in different countries.
Present Simple Passive образуется при помощи глагола am/is/are и третьей формы смыслового глагола.
Выбор am/is/are зависит от подлежащего в предложении (am используется после местоимения I, is - с местоимениями he, she, it и существительными в ед. числе, are - с местоимениями we, you, they и существительными во множ. числе).