напишіть діалог на англійській мові на тему "how was your journey" 20 речень hi і bye враховуючи
- Hello Sam! How was your journey in Finland?
-Hi Jack, my trip was so good! I saw Santa Claus and his home.
-Wow, really? Do you spoke with him?
-Haha, yes. I asked him presents for me: one toy car, two candies and new big toy Boing model.
-Oh, that is interesting presents, do you think Santa will gift them to you on Cristhmas?l
-I dont know for sure but maybe he will, i paid ten dollars to meet him...
-Do you pet his deers?
-Yes, of course, it was big point in my journey, they are so softy.
-Do you want to come back to Finland?
-One hundred percents yes! Its beautiful place with beautiful nature, these snowy trees are amazing. But this is also so expensive.
-I understand that you so happy about Finland, but you should try another states!
-Of course i will, but now I must go, bye!
-Okay, bye!