Choose the right definition for the following words.
Biography, poem, dictionary, encyclopaedia, cookery book, magazine, article, paperback, bibliography, novel
A publication that comes weekly or monthly is a __________________.
A cheap book in a soft cover is a __________________.
A piece of writing in a newspaper is an __________________.
The story of a person’s life written by somebody else is a __________________.
A short piece of writing (usually rhymed) expressing a deep feeling or thought is a __________________.
A list of books on one subject is a __________________.
A book with recipes of dishes is a __________________.
A book of word definitions is a __________________.
A story about people who are not real is a __________________.
A book or set of books giving information about all areas of knowledge is called an __________________.
Подберите правильное определение к следующим словам.
Биография, стихотворение, словарь, энциклопедия, кулинарная книга, журнал, статья, книга в мягкой обложке, библиография, роман
▪︎ A publication that comes weekly or monthly is a magazine.
Издание, которое выходит еженедельно или ежемесячно - журнал.
▪︎ A cheap book in a soft cover is a paperback.
Дешевая книга в мягкой обложке - книга в мягкой обложке.
▪︎ A piece of writing in a newspaper is an article.
Литературное произведение в газете – статья.
▪︎ The story of a person’s life written by somebody else is a biography.
История жизни человека, написанная кем-то другим, — биография.
▪︎ A short piece of writing (usually rhymed) expressing a deep feeling or thought is a poem.
Короткое литературное произведение (обычно рифмованное), выражающее глубокое чувство или мысль - стихотворение.
▪︎ A list of books on one subject is a bibliography.
Список книг по одной теме - библиография.
▪︎ A book with recipes of dishes is a cookery book.
Книга с рецептами блюд – это кулинарная книга.
▪︎ A book of word definitions is a dictionary.
Книга определений слов - словарь.
A story about people who are not real is a novel.
Рассказ о вымышленных людях — роман.
▪︎ A book or set of books giving information about all areas of knowledge is called an encyclopaedia.
Книга или набор книг, дающих информацию обо всех областях знания - энциклопедия.