твір мій характер на англійській мові
My Character The character of a person consists of all the qualities they have that make them different from others. I'll try to describe my character the way I see it. I think the most prominent trait of my character is outgoingness. I have always been friendly and socially confident. My classmates say I'm good company and I have a great sense of humour. Well, it is probably true because I love jokes and I always remember to be kind and tactful. Although sometimes I find it difficult to be tactful and honest at the same time. If I get heated in an argument I always say what I think. Sometimes I just do not have time to think about the consequences of my words - and then unpleasant situations happen. And that is my darker side: I'm too talkative and impatient. Other negative traits of my character are stubbornness and indecisiveness. I admit that I often console myself with the thought that nobody is perfect but at the same time I keep working on myself. I want to be a better person than I am today.