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- At the funeral there is a ceremony called "session", or "toy". We have andnowpeople come together, but only sit and talk. In ancient times they used to gatherdead man and played different games, had fun. The film just shows the games of thedeceased. And it is very difficult to understand for people who have not experienced it.My mother in Krivorovna does not remember this. But in the remote mountain villagesof Golovy and Grinyava, these traditions survived longer, - says the head of thedepartment of the Ivan Franko Museum in Krivorovna (a branch of theIvano-Frankivsk Museum of Local Lore), Anna Lutsyuk. - I can not call realistic shots,when in the film they put a yoke on the young. I don't know if we haveIt was. Although this episode is symbolic, because the life of the Hutsul familieshas always been hard.The former owner of the citizen's house, where the Museum of "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors" isnow created.Maria Khimchak believed that there were few Parajanovs with molfarism in the filmtook. ItHutsuls were inherent, but not to the extent shown in the film:man handswaveand the clouds stop, and the winds.The Hutsuls really depended on natural phenomena. Their daily lifewas in danger.Arriving in a mountain valley, they kissed the ground and asked God to help thempeacefully.spend the summer and return home with the cattle. Once upon a time there were many wildanimals:Bears, wolves, foxes. The shepherds in the mountain valley have to spend whole nights onfire to drive them away from their cattle.burnHowever, the antiquity in the Hutsul region disappears ... Now no one is building housesin the "Hutsul style". In everyday life, there is less and less space forantiques. “Current houses,” saysAnna Lutsyuk - do not even come to our mountains. We call them cheburashki. A buildingmade of brick or upholstered with clapboard in the Carpathians produces quitedifferent experience than a wooden house.Changes have also taken place in the "organization" of Hutsul weddings. It usedto happen inyoung and young apart in one day. And the next day the young prince walkedwith hisguests to take the young princess to his home. They got married and went tothe young. BUTnow weddings young walk together. Most - in a cafe, not Although it wasmore interesting, especially when the house is on a hillock.near the house.Hutsuls dress in national attire only for big holidays. And once in it constantlywent. However, even the festive ones did not have such embroidery as they do now. Theremay not have been embroidery, but there was a church, or a network. It was consideredto be a protection against evil spirits.