Написать 3-5 предложений к каждому из 2 пунктов. Помогите, пожалуйста!
1) What does a cheeky person do?
2) What does a nosy person do?
Что-то оригинальное нужно придумать, пожалуйста!
A cheeky person is slightly rude or disrespectful but often in an amusing and appealing way.
A cheeky child will pull a face at someone telling the child what to do. A cheeky person will tell a funny joke in reply to being reprimanded for interrupting a conversation. A cheeky boy will show his tongue at people just to tease them. A cheeky girl will not be afraid to talk back to anyone.
A nosy person is very curious about what other people are doing and wants to know too much about them.
Nosy parents will want to know everything about their child’s personal life. A nosy boyfriend will ask his girlfriend to show him her WhatsApp chats. A nosy girlfriend will ask her boyfriend to show her his call logs. A nosy person will ask a stranger quite a lot of personal questions.